Over the next year, I’ll be contributing a monthly column to the BurdaStyle blog that goes into geek-level detail on fabrics. The column runs on the last Tuesday of each month. The first piece in the series, a basic primer …
A shop to benefit the work of Doctors Without Borders in Haiti: Etsy Tutorial for a cat house: Sewtakeahike Shortbread buttons: Forty-Sixth at Grace The number of Crayola crayons doubles every 28 years: Weather Sealed Carved baseball bats: Craftzine The …
The best passive aggressive fridge notes of last year: Passive Aggressive Notes The cutest things of last year: Cute Overload Interesting piece on copyright and ethical dressmaking: The Sewing Academy We’re totally doing this at our house: Cakies If we …
How a fabric collection is created and produced: Moda Sewing industry best of the decade list: Sew Mama Sew Mornings just aren’t the same without Carl: NPR Fabulous elephant tea packaging on one of our favorite inspirational blogs: Lovely PackageFinding …
notches: special new year’s edition
Happy New Year, ABBA style: YouTube This year’s ball drop in Times Square (“Blah, blah, blah. Move it along Coops.”): CNN via Mediaite New Year’s Eve at Studio 54, 1978: MoMA No New Year’s resolution yet? No worries thanks to …
Animals in utero: io9 Guerrilla handbell strikeforce: Improv Everywhere Surfboards? Yes, surfboards!: Heather Ross Thank goodness we can stitch directly from point A to point B–unlike how you must drive in Boston: Cartogrammar Japanese design principles: Swissmiss
Quality, not luxury: W Santas, Santas, Santas: On the Street, The New York Times This should be hanging above everyone’s sewing machine: The Blue Gardenia Today’s moment of cute; a baby hedgehog!: Pixdaus
free holiday mitten ornament
At this time last year, we published a free downloadable pattern for a mitten ornament that can be used either on the Christmas tree or to make a non-traditional advent calendar. Here’s the post from last year where you can …
new oliver + s discussion forums
We’re pleased to announce the launch of our newest website feature–the Oliver + S discussion forums. You can access the forums by clicking on the text in the navigation bar at the top of every page. The forums are designed …
oliver + s supports Project 95
Did you know that 95% of fabric shoppers make their purchases at chain stores while only 5% purchase from independent quilt and fabric shops? Why shouldn’t it be the other way around? Oliver + S is sponsoring Project 95–an industry-wide …
the new oliver + s facebook group
Are you on Facebook? If so, stop by to check in. Join our Facebook group to leave us comments, discuss your experience sewing from Oliver + S patterns, and keep up to date on recent Oliver + S news and …
tips for flannel
This post from the Superbuzzy blog gives some great tips on pre-shrinking flannel before sewing it. I’m about to try it for Dr. S’s winter Bedtime Story pjs, which will look exactly like these from our fall trunk show. She …
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