Thanks to Lisa, we have a nice tutorial how to do hemstitching on the Liesl + Co. Weekend Getaway Blouse.
advisors circle
sew + tell: waterproof school days coat
Lesley, a member from the Liesl + Co. Advisors Circle shares one of her recent makes: a waterproof School Days Coat.
weekend getaway blouse with bias bound edges
As part of our Liesl + Co. Advisors Circle, Claire is here to share how she added bias bound edges to the Weekend Getaway Blouse.
weekend getaway blouse with pleats
As part of our Liesl + Co. Advisors Circle, Lori is here to share how she added pleats to the front of the Weekend Getaway Blouse.
girl on the go with ruffles
As part of our Advisors Circle, Ana Sofia is here to show you three different ways that she added ruffles to the Oliver + S Girl on the Go top.
teaching a child to sew with girl on the go
We are excited to start showing you creations made by our Advisors Circle members. Today we have two members sharing their experiences with their daughters sewing the Girl on the Go Dress.
introducing our advisors circle members
We’re happy to introduce you to our Liesl + Co. advisors circle members for 2018.
weekend links
Liesl is back with her regular Weekend Links post for your reading pleasure and inspiration boost. And don’t forget to submit your Advisors Circle application!
an invitation to join our advisors circle
You’re invited to apply to become part of our very exclusive Advisors Circle for 2018. Find out more in today’s post.
Unless otherwise credited, all work on this blog is © Liesl + Co., Inc, 2008-2025. You are welcome to link to this blog, but please ask permission before using any text or images.