Oliver + S

Would the after school top work sleeveless?

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    learningtosew @learningtosew

    My daughter wants some sleeveless tops. Since I already own the after school pattern, I was thinking of just leaving off the sleeves of the top. What do you think? Will it work?

    Masha Richart

    I’m sure you could. I make my 2+2 tops sleeveless by finishing the armholes with bias.

    Tamara @justsewit

    I shouldn’t think it wouldn’t work. Have a go. You can only try.

    Nicole @motherof5

    Often tops that are meant to have to have sleeves are cut differently then actual sleeveless top patterns, so a wee bit of a try on and re-shaping may be a good idea.

    Another neat finish is a slim ribbing cuff sewn to the shoulder seam. This is very handy to reduce gape if the shoulder opening is too big.

    mrskanuckles @mrskanuckles

    I just made the library dress and left off the sleeves. I did cut in the shoulders and back armholes some as I didn’t want the shoulder to end at the top of my daughters shoulder but in some (narrower shoulder strap) I think if you don’t reshape a bit you may get a boxy look… Which may be exactly what you are looking for.

    Liesl Gibson

    Most sleeveless styles also have a higher armhole–i.e. the bottom of the armhole isn’t quite so low–so you might want to watch for that, too. But yes, you can absolutely do it. It might just take a little adjusting to get the armhole to look good. I want to see when you’re done!

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