Oliver + S

Which Dress Uses Knit Fabric

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    Sewnsew @Sewnsew

    I am wanting to make a knit dress for my dd. She is 8 years old. I just don’t know which O&S pattern calls for knit fabric. Could somebody please guide me here? I have never sewn a knit dress for my dd before. So, I am excited. And a little nervous!


    wendy @wendyls

    The Hopscotch!. Many lovely versions to be seen on the Flickr page. The skirt is also killer, one of my favourites! Have fun!

    Sewnsew @Sewnsew

    Thank you for the quick response!! I appreciate it. 🙂

    Nicole @motherof5

    See if you can find some o+s knit,it is blissful to sew with. Don’t forget to pre-wash and dry!

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