Where to find Wool?!
15 years ago LINK
boisky3 @boisky3
I adore this coat. It will be the first coat I’ve made, so I’m nervous. I wondered if someone could recommend a place to buy wool for a reasonable price. The sites I’ve found are very expensive…especially considering it is for my daughter (who will quickly grow out of it) and that I am a relatively new sewer (so I’ll need to buy extra yardage to make up for user error :). I think I’d prefer wool, but I’d be open to corduroy too. It doesn’t get that cold where we live, so I don’t need anything super heavy. Thanks SO much!
15 years ago LINKApril Henry @April1930s
http://www.fabric.com has wool melton at a good price. Their colors are a bit limiting, but knowing what to look for may help you find it on other sites, too. ?? Let me know what you discover – I’ll be on the hunt for a good wool, too.
15 years ago LINKI would second April’s recommendation of fabric.com. They’ve been kind enough to create a special category page for us of fabrics (wool and waterproof) that would be appropriate for this pattern. You can view the page here:
15 years ago LINKboisky3 @boisky3
Thanks for the suggestion. I actually did check out Fabric.com, but wasn’t sure what “Melton” was? So that would be appropriate for this coat? I also wasn’t crazy about the colors. I could deal with some of the corduroy choices, but again, wasn’t sure if the material was right. I don’t know a lot about types of fabric (obviously) but the name corduroy microfiber made it sound like something you might cover a couch in!
15 years ago LINKApril Henry @April1930s
The heavyweight designer tweeds are very appealing to me! You couldn’t go wrong those – definitely classic!
14 years ago LINKRebecca W @craftalittle
14 years ago LINKisewstuff @isewstuff
I purchased wool coating from Gorgeous Fabrics and had a good experience with them.
I hope to start the coat this weekend. I bought the “Bright Peony” color and I’m having second thoughts. The color is pretty though, I’m just wondering if I shoudl have gone with something more neutral?
You may want to check out FarmhouseFabrics.com too. I don’t know what they have to offer as far as wool, but they are among my favorite online stores.
Good Luck!
14 years ago LINKRebecca W @craftalittle
@ Isewstuff: Thanks- I will check them out! Is the bright peony a warm fabric? I live in MN and it gets pretty cold here (not sure where you live!)I also plan on doing the lining for the coat since it does get to those wonderful -20 F temps(with windchill) here in January!
14 years ago LINKisewstuff @isewstuff
Yes, it’s very warm. It is a little bit prickly, but not as bad as what I’ve found locally (which is almost nothing). I would have loved to have found a wool cashmere blend, but couldn’t within my budget. I live in Utah, so we get cold, snow and wind, but no humidity. My daughter is also a “hot body” and doesn’t like to be overly warm. I’m thinking that with the wool she won’t need a warm lining as it will be her “dress” coat, but it doesn’t get as cold here as it does for you. Maybe ordering a swatch will give you a better idea of the weight and hand?
Hope this helps! Hollie
14 years ago LINKAnonymous @
I bought mine from fabric.com and used a coupon code for 20% off – do a Google search for coupon codes. The wool is nice, but a little thin. I lined the coat with Thermolam and it’s warm cozy. I pre-washed the wool before cutting it. I put it in the washing machine on a delicate/hand wash cycle with cold water and then laid it out flat on my bed to dry. It fulled up a bit and is nice and soft after washing.
14 years ago LINKsayiamyou @maraya
I know that someone posted a site link where you could buy fabric ‘bundles’ (and pointed out a wool/cotton set for a coat they were making), but I can’t for the life of me find it! Does anyone remember this?
14 years ago LINKLizabeth @Lizabeth
It was I who posted about Farmhouse Fabrics… they have several wool bundles. Just go to their site, search for ‘wool’ and the bundles come up, too.
14 years ago LINKsayiamyou @maraya
I wondered if someone could give me a brief little lesson on wool? I’m ready to get started on my girl’s coat, but am feeling a bit overwhelmed by choices. First, she’s not quite 2, if that helps with decision making…
What are the differences in wool coating, melton, etc? Is one a better option for thickness, less itchiness, durability?
http://webstore.quiltropolis.net/stores_app/Browse_Item_Details.asp?Shopper_id=5590118839475590&Store_id=198&page_id=23&Item_ID=18927 I really love this deep purple combo, but I’ll have to add a little more to the order, I think, since it only comes with 1 yd of the wool. Also, think the price might be a little steep for a tiny tot? Can I wash this? This will be her winter coat, for all things fun and warm!
Fabric.com has 3 color choices in wool melton. I like brown, but I really love that purple! (*Note: I’m wrong. Yesterday they had 3 choices, now only 1!)
Does anyone have other sources that I could check out? Thanks for the help!
14 years ago LINKNicole @motherof5
Mel , due to an allergy to drycleaning chemicals I wash everything at home and I have not killed anything yet! ( knock on wood )
Wool is a fabulous fabric to wear and work with and generally it does not need frequent washing a sponge down will often suffice , and little bits of mud and food will brush off ( an old baby hair brush is ideal ).
If you love the purple , use it , purple will hand down to a boy , Son&Heir had several purple items!
Before you order extra fabric , do a mock layout , you may be surprised at what you can do with a jiggle.
I made wool coats for the twins and machine washed them once or twice a season on a wool wash cycle with a good quality liquid and air dryed them.
No guarantee, obviously I am no expert!!!, just explaining what worked for me.
14 years ago LINKSarvi @Sarvi
The way I look at it, are you going to find a custom-fitted coat you like as much for $38 in a store? One that you know is made with loads of attention to detail? I bet you won’t. I don’t recall which coat you had planned but I bet you or one of the other clever folks here could find a way to squeeze a size 2 out of one yard at that width.
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