Oliver + S

To line or not to line the Lullaby pants?

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    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    I’m making size 6-12m Lullaby Layette pants in slightly scratchy grey wool. I’m wondering about if it would be a good idea to line them and with what? I’ve got satin type lining fabrics as well as cotton/poly cotton.
    These will be a gift.
    To line or not to line?

    Tamara @justsewit

    Heidi I would line them in a cotton. The wool sounds as though it could irritate sensitive baby skin. I’d use a cotton as natural fibres are best for baby.

    Liesl Gibson

    I’m with Tamara. When in doubt, line to protect baby’s skin. You could also underline and treat both layers of fabric as one, which can be a nice option with the same general effect.

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    Thanks Tamara and Liesl 🙂
    I’ll have to line them, rather than underlining, as I’ve already made up the main pants section, it just needs hemming and the waistband.
    Thanks for such prompt responses!

    Nicole @motherof5

    @with-love-heidi, your layette is divine!

    I lined some wool dungarees I made Trixie with lawn.
    See here http://fiveandcounting-motherof5.blogspot.com.au/2015/05/baby-beatrix.html (not O+S *blush*)
    They are brilliant as the wool is naturally water repellent keeping her dry when she toddles in wet grass.
    Great choice!

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    Thanks for the reply Nicole, I was hoping you would chime in 🙂
    It’s great to hear that wool is practical for babies as I had been wondering if it would be a good choice. I think I’ve got another small piece of wool, I might have to made another pair too.
    Trixie’s dungarees were so cute!

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