Oliver + S

Sunday Brunch jacket in faux fur?

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    sarahb @sarahb

    My older daughter has her heart set on this giraffe print faux fur. Rather than a Halloween costume that won’t get much wear, I thought maybe I could make her a cute jacket with it, but I’m having trouble finding a pattern.

    I don’t have the Sunday Brunch pattern yet, but if I made the lower panels less gathered, do you think it might work in a faux fur? I’d line with something else.

    Mama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles

    I am not really sure how the gathers would work but here is an non-Oliver+S pattern that worked very well in the faux fur that looks great.


    Tamara @justsewit

    Oh yes this jacket worked perfectly and she loves it so much! I’m wondering though if you had your heart set on an Oliver and s pattern, have you looked at the digital firefly jacket? I think it would be fabulous is fur because there aren’t so many gathers. Gathers will just bulk it all up and it’ll be harder to sew and make sit correctly. But then I haven’t got that pattern and don’t know how the pattern pieces go – if they are one piece or not and if it is one piece you will have nap problems with your fabric.

    Have you worked with faux fur before? It can be tricky if you are new to it.

    You could take the pleats from the Sunday Brunch jacket altogether and do it that way?

    Hope this is helpful


    sarahb @sarahb

    Thank you ladies! I have sewn with faux fur a few times and it’s a giant pain! Every time I swear I’ll never do it again. 🙂 The pattern doesn’t have to be O+S but they are always my favorite, so I always look here first.

    The faux fur Raven is really fun! But I have my mind set on long sleeves. And I’d forgotten about the Firefly! I do want something with a little collar though. I may do the Sunday Brunch and just make the lower panels a bit narrower so it’s less gathered. That is unless someone talks me out of it.

    I’m buying the pattern regardless now because I’d never realized the skirt had pockets! Too perfect for school.

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    There is another thread talking about making the jacket into a blazer for boys by removing the gathers. https://oliverands.com/forums/topic.php?id=1529

    Here’s the link if you want to check it out.

    sarahb @sarahb

    Thanks Heidi! I did see that– great to see the result from someone already accomplishing that modification. 🙂

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