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    rastis @rastis

    so i was in spotlight yesterday picking up some elastic and had a quick browse through the store and was most disappointed 🙁 while spotlight is getting some lovely different fabrics in, has anyone else noticed that the basic staples (drills/linens etc) are getting harder to find and super $$? i couldn’t find any basic drills in my spotty yesterday and the drills i did find were very pricey… and linen is now $28-$30+ a metre… the sales rack was also sad…. i haven’t been into spotlight for ages and it’s unusual that nothing even tempted me! i’d hate to have to start buying my staples on-line, but i might have to 🙁

    so where do you aussie girls go for basic solid colour, trouser weight fabrics?

    Lightning McStitch @LightningMcStitch

    I can make some great recommendations if you’re in the culture/coffee capital. But as for the rest of the wide, brown land, no idea.

    I agree with your observations about Spotlight. I only seem to go there for cotton, but I always seem to find something on the specials table. Planned fabric purchases happen elsewhere.

    Tamara @justsewit

    I have noticed that what is advertised in the catalogues ( in terms of drills) that my store in particular hasn’t carried the same colours. I realise that not all stores get all the stuff but it really does become a disappointment to find that you are forced to use the online store to get the colour you are after. Our specials rack is now an aisle! I have noticed that not everything on sale has moved and it is now taking up where the cotton prints generally are. I have also noticed the winter fabrics starting to creep in – wide wale corduroy. Normally I get the bottom weight fabrics from spotlight but they are expensive and I find that buying say, denim online from fabric.com for example, actually works out slightly cheaper including the postage. There isn’t as much of a variety I have noticed. There are a lot more cotton prints but the pretty special fabrics have decreased in number and increased in price and you are right the bottom weight fabrics are also pricey.

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