Oliver + S

Shortening Sleepover PJs for Summer

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    It's me Sophie @Itsmesophie

    So I’ve almost finished my second pair of Sleepover pjs but the weather has suddenly hotted up here in Melbourne (Australia). I suspect I’ll be putting the boys pjs away soon.

    I’m thinking I might modify the pattern to make summer pjs. Has anyone done this? Any tips? I’ve not modified a pattern before but figure this would be a good place to start.

    Nicole @motherof5

    Super easy to do.

    One tip, measure from the hem and shorten, that way your side seams will be even.

    I made my girls a voile pair, cool to sleep in but our temperatures often drop over night and we get a lot of mozzies, so I like their arms and legs covered.

    (I live in country SA)


    miss_sonja @miss_sonja

    How does one modify for shortie pjs? I want to make them short so my little guy (19 months) can wear them right off, since we’re in summer here.


    Nicole @motherof5

    Just cut the length you want. Slightly straighten out the hem edge rather then leave it tapered.

    miss_sonja @miss_sonja

    How would U straighten the hem edge? Cut wider than the pattern at that point? Sorry, still figuring out apparel sewing!

    Nicole @motherof5

    Sorry, I meant the side seams, they will taper in slightly and you want them straight down.

    The hem edge may be slightly shaped, that is fine. As long as the side seams match.

    miss_sonja @miss_sonja

    Awesome, thanks! Just pinned and cutting once the baby is back asleep:-).

    Nicole @motherof5

    Brilliant, good luck!

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