Oliver + S

Sewing Seashore side seams

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    paula @paula

    I am a tad confused about how to sew up the side seams of the dress. It states to lift the facings from the dress halves and pin them together, to sew up the side seams, then in the next step to understitch the underarm and hand stitch the facing to the seam allowances. I think I understand these directions but I’m not quite sure I do. Is there a reason why you can’t just stitch the facings in with the side seams (which is what I did inadvertently…)?


    Nicole @motherof5

    This will give you a clean finish under the arms Paula.

    I do not have a post on this dress but if you scroll down the blog post linked below (about 3/4’s), it should give you a clearer picture.


    If that is not helpful please come back.


    paula @paula

    Thanks, Nicole! After I ripped out the seams and resewed them, I was able to visualize what was being accomplished. For some reason, I could not picture that before!

    Nicole @motherof5

    Sometimes pictures help me much more then words. I often get very nervous with written instructions- Am I doing it correctly?

    Oliver+S are particularly good though. You do get a bit spoilt for other patterns.

    I look forward to seeing your dress.

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