Oliver + S

Selling what you make

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    wendy @wendyls

    A while back I was doing a lot of sewing and took part in a few markets and craft fairs, selling mostly dresses for children. It was a great way to get out and talk to people and unload some of the abundance that came out of my sewing room. It was worth doing for so many reasons, but making money wasn’t one of them.

    This is a formula that was passed on to me for pricing one’s work: materials + 30% + labour X 2. I could not bring myself to charge that price, and it wouldn’t have gone over well in that setting. I priced more or less at material + labour, made my materials costs back and did some nice trades. If I were to do it again and actually try and make money I would batch things, buy fabric wholesale, up the pricing and target the appropriate market. I do believe that are a handful of people out there who are willing to pay fair prices for unique, handmade things. It’s just a matter of reaching them. So much tougher with sewn goods rather than jewelry, for instance. I’m still on the fence about doing it again. I’ve been doing piece work from home for the last year and am just wrapping up that job. I’m looking forward to having my sewing as a hobby again! I have about a years worth of pent up selfish sewing projects in me right now!

    Nicole @motherof5

    I did a market stall once as well Wendy. I completely agree with you. I made little money but my sewing improved tenfold due to the experience.

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