Oliver + S

Seeking Sunday Brunch in Size 4-8… Hope I'm not too late to the party!

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    workman233 @workman233

    Hi all, does anyone have any other suggestions on where I might find the size 4-8 Sunday Brunch pattern? We were hoping to make this as our girls’ holiday outfit. Please help! I’m in the greater Chicago area.

    beachmom @beachmom
    beachmom @beachmom


    You might want to call this one and make sure they have the 4-8 in stock.


    My advice to anyone else looking for it or another out of print pattern is to look at heirloom fabric stores or smocking stores rather than the bigger known online fabric stores.


    workman233 @workman233

    Cindy, thank you so much! Great to have a few more resources/websites now too. Happy holidays!

    Liesl Gibson

    I knew you’d come through! Thanks so much. You’re quite the sleuths when it comes to out-of-print patterns!

    wendy @wendyls

    I just nabbed one from Pine Needles Sewing Center


    They seem to have the bubble dress pattern in both sizes as well, along with the older pajama pattern in the larger size.

    Lightning McStitch @LightningMcStitch

    In the other hemisphere, I just found a larger size Sunday Brunch pattern here: http://www.earthgirlfabrics.com.au

    There are some other out of print patterns there too. (sadly it’s in Australian pricing. Does anyone know why we pay almost twice as much for these patterns?)

    Todd Gibson

    I have an answer to that question. It’s due to shipping and customs duties. It’s just really darn expensive to ship these patterns halfway around the world by air. Whenever we prepare a large shipment for our Australian distributor, I’m always shocked (shocked!) at what the shipping cost is on the order. And then they pay import duties on top of that. That pricing has to get reflected in the retail price charged for the patterns in Australia.

    Two pieces of good news, though. We’ve worked with our Australian distributor this year to implement a roughly 10% price cut in Australian dollars on the patterns. You may not see that yet at retail as stores clear their current inventory, but you should see pricing drop in the near future. Also, the Sunday Brunch is the next pattern on our list to do as a digital release. Just a little patience, here, and it will be available for you as a download.

    Lightning McStitch @LightningMcStitch

    Thank you Todd for taking the trouble to reply. I guess my question was more a rhetorical one with a sigh. We have the same problems with bicycle parts, books, whitegoods,… everything is cheaper when you buy from an international website, often even once the postage is factored in. I love a bricks and mortar store with knowledgeable staff and the option to see the products and I do my best to support them, but I confess to some tax free imports sometimes!

    Thanks for working to make things more affordable for us. These patterns are habit forming!

    Tamara @justsewit

    It seems that checking on all the above links they seem to only have the smaller size or none at all – not that I am looking as I have this pattern in both sizes. It seems that if it is next to be made digital, this could be the only way to obtain this size….

    I have been searching all weekend on and off and it seems that the links on google are now no longer valid – thought I found it today but then checked through other channels and mine eyes definitely decieved me. Sorry.

    LisaMM @LisaMM

    Earthgirl do have lots of O&S patterns and yes they are $25, I got my Brunch jacket pattern there, they do offer free postage within Australia so it ends up being the same price if you were to buy the pattern from the US and have it shipped to Aust. Best option for us Aussies is to get the digital downloads which are great!

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