Oliver + S

Question about Lengthening

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    Sewnsew @Sewnsew

    If I lengthen a dress, how do I change the buttonholes? Do I need to change them? I am not very experienced with buttonholes yet. Any advice? It’s the Party Dress that I am wanting info. on. I made the dress and it’s a bit short on my dd. So I want to make it again and plan on making it 3 or so inches longer. (Also to give her room to grow.)

    Thank you!

    April Henry @April1930s

    Hi! I like to mark the top and bottom buttonholes to correlate with the original pattern placement, then mark one in the center between those two and spaciously mark the remaining ones. It’s more eye-balling than science, but that’s what I do. Well, and one of those accordian-like tools that is designed to space buttonholes evenly can be helpful, too.

    Liesl Gibson

    I was taught to position the buttonholes like April does, deciding on the top and bottom buttons first. If you use a strip of paper you can mark the top and bottom placement, fold in half to find the center button placement, and fold in half again to find the buttons in between those. Of course this only works for an odd number of buttons, but a little math or fiddling can get you to even numbers of buttons, too. I prefer to use an odd number because it’s more visually appealing, but sometime you just need that’s sixth button…

    Sewnsew @Sewnsew

    Thank you both! This makes sense!

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