Oliver + S

Puppet Show Tunic in 2t-5?

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    traciturchin @traciturchin

    I know, I know–me and the rest of the world, right? I tried all the places listed in the forum so far but came up empty handed. Anyone know of anywhere else I could find one? Or maybe you have a used one to sell? Please email me at tturchin @ gmail.com Thanks!!!

    thejennigirl @thejennigirl

    I have to wonder who would willingly sell their O+s patterns…

    I found mine on etsy and recently I saw one on eBay (my bestfriend bought it). Check Amazon, too.

    Best of luck to you!

    meleliza @meleliza

    I keep expecting them to start turning up on eBay at collector prices. 🙂 I guess I’ll have to decide how much I’m wilily got pay for this. Meanwhile, I hate to be disloyal, but I just discovered a new(?) company with an adorable pair of shorts starting at size 2, just where my puppet show pattern leaves off and just right for next year. http://www.clevercharlotte.com/

    Mama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles

    Oh someone just made the cuest outfit with clever Charlotte shorts, I will be buying these for next summer for my little girl!

    Jerney @Jerney

    I’m also looking for the larger-sized Puppet Show set: jscudiere@gmail.com


    BeccsLars @BeccsLars

    I just ordered this pattern two weeks ago, only to get an email today saying they are gone. I would LOVE to buy either size of this one too- please let me know if you have one I can buy. Thanks.

    etc3 @etc3

    My local quilting shop has 2 copies of the smaller size, however they are at Australian prices AUD$25.

    Ampersand Design @Ampersand Design

    @etc3 do you mind letting me know which store as I am in Australia and would love to pick this pattern up if I can. Please email me at ampersand-design @ hotmail (dot)) com


    Ampersand Design @Ampersand Design

    I managed to track one down in both sizes. I couldn’t believe my luck. Very, very happy.

    melmax @melmax

    I found a lady in Australia who had 1 copy of the 2-5 in stock so I grabbed it! (and at a relatively cheap price for Australia ;)) Now I just need the small size and I will be ecstatic. I know it is coming in pdf, but really rather the paper patterns if possible!

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