Oliver + S

opinions needed on yoke

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    meleliza @meleliza

    contrast yoke or matching? I’ve totally run out of steam on this project (and in general. Sigh. It’s cold season.) Here are two versions pinned together just to see: http://www.flickr.com/photos/24264063@N05/6203859865/

    meleliza @meleliza

    right. never mind. for some reason, the yoke of the dress – which I’ve made before and is stitched perfectly and exactly according to directions – does not in any way fit over this child’s head. Very annoyed, but glad I tried it now before I actually finished the dress. I can only conclude that my child’s head is in fact very very large. I guess I’m trashing the whole thing and finding a different pattern?

    Violaisabelle @Violaisabelle

    Oh, please don’t trash it! It’s beautiful! I like the white yoke with the red piping, very classic. I have not made this dress, but is it possible to open up the lower portion of the yolk at center back and, though there is no center back seam, slice a bit down center back and put in a placket? Someone just recently posted a placket idea for the ice cream dress, I would think you could do that with this pattern as well. I often times put that type of placket on the lower portion of dresses that don’t have them, just for ease of dressing. Here is one of the suggestions used for the ice cream dress: http://www.flickr.com/photos/49182185@N02/6142234709/in/photostream/ Make as big of a slit as needed. I usually cut my placket fabric on the bias. Depending on how long the slit ends up being, you can put a snap on the inside of the placket to keep it closed and it won’t be seen from the outside, or you can leave it as is.

    I realize it will mean a bit more work for unpicking the stitching already done, but it’s really a pretty dress and I think it’s so worth saving! 🙂


    Nicole @motherof5

    With my husbands Germans heritage our babies have good solid heads!

    I love this pattern too much not to use it so when making it I sew a larger seam at the neckline(an extra 1/2 inch) and if that isn’t enough I undo the back seam almost down to the bottom.

    I have not tried it but wondered about going to the next size up in the yoke?

    Far too lovely not to finish!

    meleliza @meleliza

    For whatever reason, I’ve been having so much trouble with this project and grr it’s just not up to my own standards. But thank you, Carol and Nicole, for the encouragement. I have unpicked the yoke, sewed a smaller seam at the neck and opened the yoke nearly all the way down. It fits over her head now if I yank it. I’m tired and annoyed with this project, so all sorts of little things are going wrong too. I should probably call it a night.


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