Oliver + S

Opinion: dress up Jump Rope for Easter or other special occasion?

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    PreemieMomma @PreemieMomma

    Meh, change of plans! I started trying to position pattern pieces and I think my large scale print is too busy. I love this fabric but trying to figure out what to use it in is going to be the death of me! 😉

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    Can you use it for view B? There are many less seams to work around 🙂

    I just looked up the fabric, it’s beautiful but that print seems big! Middle panel of an ice cream dress?

    Nicole @motherof5
    PreemieMomma @PreemieMomma

    Yes, I’ll have to do one of those patterns! I don’t have the ice cream dress so that may be a good excuse to buy a new pattern 😉 hee hee! Jump Rope B is definitely an option because I have the pattern pieces all cut and ready to use!

    PreemieMomma @PreemieMomma

    I took your advice, Meleliza, I opted for the fairy tale dress and it’s turning out super cute with this fabric. I think the fabric is jinxed though…I keep having random issues out of the blue – wait, now that I think about it, maybe it’s my iron that’s jinxed because all of the issues have happened during ironing. I’m doing a full sash and that, IMO, will help disguise some of the “choppiness” from this busy fabric. I can’t believe I worried about attempting this pattern. It seemed so complicated because there are so many pages in the pattern, but it truly is one of the easier patterns so far. Thank you everyone for all the feedback and advice. Once it’s finished, I’ll post it to the flickr pool. Hope to finish by the end of the week!

    meleliza @meleliza

    I’m glad it’s working. I just made one too, not for Easter, but I did the collar, sleeves and everything and it’s still not such a big deal. This one is just fancy enough for church but enough for a playdate or semi regular day too.

Viewing 6 posts - 16 through 21 (of 21 total)

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