Oliver + S

NOT GETTING how to attach neckband to PJ's. Not even understanding diagram!

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    taheinen @taheinen

    Ladies, I am really frustrated on why I can not understand the diagram on how to even begin doing this step. ALL help is appreciated. Pictures even better if you took them while making them.

    Liesl Gibson

    Can you tell us what’s giving you trouble? I’m not sure what to explain.

    taheinen @taheinen

    ok Leisl, sooo happy to know you responded. I’m sorry I sounded dramatic. I will attribute that to end of day one year old twin fatigue. After getting a good night’s sleep and looking at it with new eyes, it was so simple. THANK you for such a wonderful pattern. I made one pair each for my son and daughter. Can’t wait to see them in their PJ’s. Looking forward to trying another pattern. Do you know if anyone in the Oklahoma City area carries your patterns?

    Nicole @motherof5

    Been there , done that , completely understand !

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