Oliver + S

No errata?

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    sayiamyou @maraya

    Are there no errors in the Jump Rope Dress pattern? Tracing my pieces now, but can’t find anything on the site or in the forums. Just making sure I don’t miss something important! Thanks!

    Nicole @motherof5

    Oh.so excited to see what you make ! fabric? view A ? B? do tell !

    I don’t remember any errata….

    sayiamyou @maraya

    Good to know about the errata since I can’t find one any place! I’m planning View B as a first go. I think it’ll be a good start. I have this Tina Givens print (the best picture I could find; fabric.com is out) http://www.etsy.com/listing/44509518/tina-givens-fairy-tip-toes-silhouette?ref=sr_gallery_7&%3Bga_search_query=fairy+tip+toes+fabric&%3Bga_search_type=all&%3Bga_page=2&%3Border=&%3Bincludes%5B0%5D=tags&%3Bincludes%5B1%5D=title.

    I have made the Niblet 4 new dresses and just finished off 3 pairs of Puppet Show shorts this weekend. That will get us through summer (her bum seems to grow out of clothes faster than the rest of her!), so I thought it best to get cracking on cool weather clothes. I wanted to use this fabric for a Sailboat top, with a nice cream fine wale corduroy skirt, but then thought the Jump Rope dress might show the print better. What do you think??

    nancy @dollfancier

    I love your fabric! how sweet. I’m not going to be much help because I think either/both ideas are wonderful. My favorite is the sailboat top with the cream skirt. P.S. I haven’t seen errata for this dress, either. Haven’t sewn it up yet…



    Nicole @motherof5

    Oh , I think the sailboat top or both! The sailboat top is a lovely ‘canvas’ for a beautiful print, and it uses very little cloth. The jumprope would be sweet as well, I really like this print!

    Gorgeous choice Mel !

    sayiamyou @maraya

    Oh, thanks Nicole and Nancy! Husband suggested I make the 2+2 skirt for this set if I make the Sailboat top. I do think the pleats would be very pretty with the birds. I have really been leaning Sailboat and I think you gals have just sealed it! The Niblet ‘helped’ me fish through my stash the other day and there are definitely other great options for the JR dress! Plus, the great thing about the Sailboat is how quickly it comes together, so I can whip that up and ‘jump’ back into the JR pattern. 🙂

    Rebecca W @craftalittle

    I am tracing pattern pieces for the Jump Rope dress tonight!! I am glad that I checked in here- I NEVER remember to check for errata! Good to know that there is none though. 🙂 I am starting to work on cool weather stuff too! I am trying to decide on fabric for a rain jacket- I really need to get it together and decide!

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