Oliver + S

New spring Pattern preorder

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    violetvata @violetvata

    Just saw these…don’t have any girls, but love to look at the descriptions and pictures…co cute!!! May have to get the family reunion one!!!


    Mandy1977 @Mandy1977

    I think the Seahorse Sundress is just adorable!

    daisygirl78 @daisygirl78

    I’m loving that Family Reunion dress!

    Jess M. @mommy2maria

    Oh hells bells. I need to start saving my pennies now! I love them all!

    Anyone know when these are supposed to ship??

    sayiamyou @maraya

    Assuming this spring will be similar to previous releases, I’d guess early April.

    Todd Gibson

    There’s no getting anything by all of you, is there?

    Information on our new spring patterns has gone out to our distributors who need lead time on these things. We’ll be introducing the patterns on the blog next month. They will begin shipping in early April.

    Jess M. @mommy2maria


    beachmom @beachmom

    We can’t help it Todd!

    Rebecca W @craftalittle

    The only sad thing about new patterns is that old ones will be discontinued and I don’t have them all yet!!

    E1izabeth @E1izabeth

    I am in love with the class picnic! It’s so nice to see a fun pattern for girls’ shorts. Can’t wait to get that one and sew it up.

    Loralee @Loralee

    Agreed E1izabeth. My older girls would love these and I can make sure they are modest. 😉

    Todd, when do the modern workshop fabrics ship? I think I saw that they were scheduled for March some time? I’d love to have the fabric requirements ahead of the patterns as you have done in the past. 🙂 That way, fabrics can be chosen, washed and ironed to be ready as soon as they arrive. Yes, we are an impatiently patient bunch!

    Janell @Janell

    I love the Family Reunion dress with its sleeves and pintucks, but I’m disappointed there aren’t any new patterns for boys.

    violetvata @violetvata

    I also am crushed that there are no boys patterns, given that I have three of them and no girls! But I am somewhat consoled by the Lisette patterns and the resulting new spring wardrobe for me. I am hoping that the fall patterns will have the dress pants and blazer/vest I’ve been dreaming of!

    Todd Gibson

    Modern Workshop fabric yardage will start shipping from Moda toward the end of April, so the patterns will be out a few weeks before the fabric ships. (But for you die-hard Oliver + S fans, we’ll have an announcement on the blog in the next week to ten days that will excite you. Stay tuned. We like to keep you happy….)

    And we will post fabric requirements here in the forums once we officially announce the patterns within the next two weeks. Stay tuned to the blog for details.

    For those of you who are disappointed about the lack of boys patterns, I’m sorry about that. As we’ve said before, boys patterns just do not sell and we can’t justify producing them every season when they sit in the warehouse. If you really want boys patterns, please buy the ones we make and tell your friends who have boys to do likewise. If they sell, we’ll produce them. Honest.

    But don’t despair. We have some boy appropriate work in progress for the fall season that should make you happy.

    violetvata @violetvata

    I’m not REAllY upset, I totally understand that girls are the big market and I do appreciate you continuing to make gender neutral and boy designs as well! You have my adoring love forever and now i have all the lisette patterns in both sizes to keep me company too!! Good work as always and looking forward to our surprise later!! Katja

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