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Matching Pattern Seams

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    bronster @bronster

    Hi. I am new to the forums. I consider myself an advanced beginner sewer.

    I am getting ready to start on the roller skating dress, and the fabric I have chosen has a pattern with a definite repeat. Does anyone have advice or can anyone refer me to a good website on how to match pattern at the seam?

    Thanks so much!


    Sarvi @Sarvi

    Hi Bronwyn! A few tips folks have shared with me (I am lousy at matching) are:

    1. Match the pattern by lining it up at the notches

    2. Trace the pattern pieces that are to be cut on the fold into a full size (unfolded) piece, then cut out, for example, the front skirt with the fabric laid out as you want it, then fold back half an inch for the seam allowance, to help you see where you want to line it up

    3. Pick the parts that are most important to you to match — one tip for the roller skate, having made it before — I did an ok job matching the side seams, but the back seam didn’t match. Needless to say the back seam feels way more visible to me!

    Good luck!

    Nicole @motherof5

    Love all that Sarvi has said. Take your time, I made a Jumprope for my daughter that took me an age to cut out but the fabric matched so well it was worth it!

    Basting is your friend, if you baste first you can check before committing with a final seam.

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    Ooh, that’s a great tip, I must try that!

    Lightning McStitch @LightningMcStitch

    Within reason you can alter the width of the pattern in order to match your print. If the print is such that the dress needs to be half an inch wider or narrower to get all those seams matching then go for it, m. maybe not in the bodice section but certainly the skirt (if you’re working with a border print)

    I don’t have any great tips as I just seem to be ridiculously lucky with pattern matching. 🙂 (case in point: http://www.flickr.com/photos/79480359@N03/8691117181 )

    But sage advice would be to go slowly and baste (my tip though is to have a glass of wine on hand)

    I agree with Sarvi that the back seam will be quite noticeable if it doesn’t match

    bronster @bronster

    Thank you all for your tips! I will forge ahead!

    I think the basting idea is a good one…..I foresee a seam ripper (and a glass of wine) in my future!!!!

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