Marking when cutting out patterns
15 years ago LINK
littlebirdy @littlebirdy
Is there a technique for putting on the little marks, e.g. button holes and circley things? Can you tell I’m a beginner!!??
Do you cut through the pattern pieces? Also what do you use – chalk, pen . . . any favourites?
Thank you in advance!
15 years ago LINKLittlebirdy, my favorite way to transfer markings it to stick a pin through the point on the pattern and use chalk or a water soluble fabric pen to mark where the pin comes through the fabric. You might want to pick up a beginning sewing book to help you get started. It will walk you through the basics of sewing from a pattern in greater detail and help you get started. There is a terrific new book out from Potter Craft (author Ruth Singer), The Sewing Bible, that I really like for teaching techniques as well as for a sewing reference. I refer to my sewing books all the time and think you’ll find it very helpful to have a book like this at your disposal. Cheers!
15 years ago LINKlittlebirdy @littlebirdy
Thanks Liesl. I’ve just looked on amazon uk and it was published here yesterday. I’m now very tempted!
I’m actually not really able to do anything at the moment as I have made myself really ill by not stopping when I got a chest infection . . . I’m not really sure how you can stop when you have 3 little children to look after and a very busy husband. I ended up in hospital with pleurisy and I’m now trying to piece together various babysitters so that I can rest. The problem is that I am rubbish at resting and I hate not being able to rush around doing all my usual things. However, I spent an hour in bed this afternoon listening to your craft sanity interview and it’s the first time I’ve actually sat still! Really interesting and inspirational to hear you talk about your career path. I had just started a company (after having my first child) when I found out I was pregnant with twins. I am now very much immersed in life with my family. It’s a precious time but very hard work. I have another year before they start at a nursery in the mornings, which is when I can start up my business again. Until then I’m widening my horizons creatively when I have time and it’s been great spending some time looking at blogs and seeing how women are organising their creative, work and family lives. I think it’s amazing what women do and how having children is often a catalyst for something fantastic.
Anyway, sorry for the ramble! I just wanted to say thanks!
15 years ago LINKOh my goodness, I do hope you’ll rest and take care of yourself! Yes, read a sewing book instead of sewing for a while. And I’m glad you enjoyed the interview. I’d love to know more about your company!
15 years ago LINKlittlebirdy @littlebirdy
Thanks Liesl. Gradually getting there now. Bed rest with a laptop and reading blogs is actually quite nice! I managed to sew the pockets for the sandbox pants which felt like quite a major achievement.
Your interview made me laugh when you were talking about how you’d intended to do your business when your baby was having her sleep! I had exactly the same intention . . . which worked up to a point. Everything I’ve done has been in that time slot and in the evenings. It’s amazing what you can get done. I do (did!) portraits and artwork mainly for and about children. I love hand lettering and surface pattern. I inherited some gold leaf from my grandfather and I’ve used some of that too. My studio has become the twins bedroom so finding a space to work would now be tricky. My three year old has gradually been finding all my art materials (I’ve hidden the gold leaf!) so I’ll need to re-stock. We’re building a new studio in the spring (I’m VERY excited!) along with other work to our house to accomodate our new family. It’s going to be a busy year.
I managed to put together a website during sleep times, although it now needs a massive overhaul and remodel. I haven’t done anything to it since the twins were born in June 2008. All my internet surfing over the past few weeks is re-educating me. I love the look and feel of this site and I have a slight Inchmark obsession. So lots of work ahead but nice to have found some inspiration.
Sorry for the ramble! Just need to add (I’ve got to tell someone!) That my little boy twin has just taken his first steps!!! In fact ten! Woo hoo! They told me at the hospital that he might not walk as he was so teeny when he was born. Woopity doopity!
Good luck with all your work! R
15 years ago LINKOh, congratulations! That’s a huge milestone for your little one. I’m very happy for all of you. And please keep taking care of yourself!
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