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LTTS – Cape

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    Mel @Mel

    So I’ve made the cape into a poncho twice now but do you think I can figure out for the life of me how to turn it right side out?? I’ve tried leaving a spot for turning but end up not being able to turn the whole thing right side out. Both times I’ve ended up ripping out the hem, turning it under and topstitching on the outside all along the bottom. I’m making another one as a gift and would like a little cleaner finish.

    Can someone with better spacial sense than me help me out? If I want to sew the hem first before turning it right side out, where would I leave the opening for turning? (I’m not including the arm holes on the side by the way).

    NanaMar @NanaMar

    Good morning, Mel
    I would try leaving one of the side seams unsewn, both lining and outer fabric, sew the hem together and turn the poncho to the right side. You will end up with a donut shape with a “slit” in it, i.e. the open side seam. Then join that open side seam right sides together as far as you can go (you should be able to get all but 10 to 15 inches sewn up by manipulating the fabric, leaving the unsewn portion in the lining) then hand stitch the remaining opening.
    I hope this helps. Marlene

    SarahGreen @moonglowmama

    I’ve made the firefly jacket, which is reversible, and for that one you leave a small opening at the bottom hem and turn the whole thing through it. I think it’s best done slowly.

    Not sure if that helps you?

    Mel @Mel

    ahh! I was trying to turn the whole thing through an opening in the lining while the outside was completely closed, no wonder that wouldn’t work 🙂 thank-you both!

    Lightning McStitch @LightningMcStitch

    Don’t feel bad Mel, I made exactly the same mistake, only the neckline of my cape was already finished with buttonholes and the hem periphery was more than 5 metres around ( adult cape)
    I now try to remember that you can only turn a donut inside out if the centre hole ir outer perimeter are open! Although NanaMar’s suggestion of lining AND cape open along a side seam sounds like it would work.

    Nicole @motherof5

    I use Deb/My North’s directions for bagging a lining. Whenever I go it alone, I stuff up, I go back to Deb’s blog and it works!

    Nicole @motherof5
    Mel @Mel

    thank you ladies! I should know better than try to figure these things out on my own, lol, someone here always has the answer 🙂

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