Oliver + S

Length of straps

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    lovemymady @lovemymady

    I know that this is a simple pattern but.. I don’t understand how long the strap should be cut. I am making size 4 dresses so I measuered 7×2=14 inches.That is short and you can’t make a bow. I understand bias…I am a great quilter but I am stumped on this one thing. How long should it be?

    Rpankow @excytin

    I just quickly checked my pattern print out and I don’t know if you had done this or not, but the pattern piece says to double the length per strap piece. Also, my print out does connect to another part of the pattern, you have to tape the 2 “H”‘s together. I roughly measured the size 4, and came up with 16 5/8″, so if you double that, it should be then 33 1/4” long per strap. I hope that helps. It can be so frustrating to be stuck on something that seems like it should be simple. Good luck and I hope the dresses are well loved!


    lovemymady @lovemymady

    Rebecca I am truly humbled! I have read that over and over about doubling the pattern piece and nothing registered. It is such a cute pattern. Thank you for your help.

    Rpankow @excytin

    Not any problem at all! It is a cute and versatile pattern and I’ve used it multiple times for dresses and tops. Reminds me of the style of tops I used to wear as a kid. So much room for embellishment. Happy sewing! 🙂

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