Oliver + S

Kimono neckband (again). What am I doing wrong?

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    nancy @dollfancier

    I’m on my 3rd pair of pj’s and not once have I figured out how to attach the neckband to the kimono correctly. This time, I have holes at the shoulders. Aughhhh!

    After I sew the shoulder seams, I finish the raw edges by folding 1/4″ under and slip-stitch them down. So far, so good. But by the time I get to the step where the kimono is laid flat and then the neckline seam allowance clipped so I can pin the neckband to it, I end up with no fabric to stitch to at the shoulder points.

    I hope my question makes sense. I have been reading ALL of the posts and searching Flickr for answers. I stopped for the night and will look at it with fresh eyes in the morning!

    Thanks to any and all who can shed some light on my dilemma!


    Nicole @motherof5

    Its a long time since I made this pattern Nancy, would it help if I post a photo of the inside of mine?

    nancy @dollfancier

    That would be VERY helpful! Bless your heart.

    Up to now, I have been able to finesse the shoulder/neckband rejoindre but I’m a bit panicky now that I’m sewing the smallest size (for a gift, no less) and my strategy takes up too much fabric to turn the neckband.

    JohannaO @JohannaO

    I think I know what you’re doing. I’ve done it too. (And I think I’ve made seven or eight of these now.) I “finish” my seams first at the shoulders. When you get to the “dots” at the shoulder- make sure to lockstitch and leave the remainder (about a 1/2 inch) unsewn. Open it up, spread it out, and make sure that the unsewn parts touch. I have normally folded it to one side or another. Then begin pinning the neckband at the center back. Move from the center past the shoulders, and the unsewn parts should be encased into the neckband. If you stopped too short with your lockstich, you get a hole. If you go too far, the neck won’t open enough, and the join looks wonky.

    Nicole @motherof5


    I hope this is some help Nancy!


    nancy @dollfancier

    Oh dear friends, JohannaO and Nicole! how wonderful! I will print out these very helpful items and proceed. I’m cutting the kimono out in muslin to follow your directions before I proceed with the gift. Hopefully I will be able to rescue it!

    thanks bunches, you have been very generous with time + talent.

    xoxo, Nancy

    JohannaO @JohannaO

    I just made it for my son today- and I took pictures along the way. I’ll add descriptions after they are in bed


    nancy @dollfancier

    Oh! it came out so cute, Johanna! and the photos are excellent illustrations. Thank you so much! This is an awesome resource.

    xoxo, Nancy

    nancy @dollfancier

    I have another question. What seam finish do you use under the arm after you make the diagonal clip? I end up with little triangles and I’m stumped as how I want to finish the raw edges.

    Nicole @motherof5

    I run up them with a narrow zigzag, like a button hole stitch, got to go , here comes the bus!


    nancy @dollfancier

    I’m so excited and grateful! I finished 3 kimono tops over the weekend and they look fab, if i do say so myself!

    thanks bunches, xoxo, N

    JohannaO @JohannaO

    Post pictures when you get a chance. I’m so glad it worked out for you! This is now one of my “quick” favorites. (Which should be obvious, because I’ve made 9 now.)

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