Oliver + S

Jump rope collar

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    Juboo752 @Juboo752

    I made my first Jump Rope view B last week and i adore this pattern, i was very impressed with my plackets i was so worried about that bit but just went with the instructions and they worked! But I decided I wasn’t happy with the collar today and unpicked it and re did it, it’s better than it was the first time but I’m still not 100% happy (not that I’m going to take it off again).

    I’m just wondering whether I’m doing something wrong, I don’t seem to be able to get a neat enough finish at either side where the collar meets the front plackets, when you sew the collar together do you stop sewing before the crease in the upper collar or carry on to the open edge, I stopped where crease is but wondering whether I did that bit wrong and that’s why it’s not as neat?

    Any tips would be great, I would love to make a ton more of these for my daughters school summer uniform, I think they will look so cute!


    Nicole @motherof5

    It does make an adorable school uniform Julie http://www.flickr.com/photos/motherof5/5504061648/in/set-72157625264790776 .

    Here is a link to a sewalong,I hope this will help you http://www.flickr.com/groups/jumprope-sewalong/discuss/72157624773685903/ .

    Please come back if you don’t find your answer!


    Nicole @motherof5

    PS This collar is very similar,if you scroll down through the post you can see the collar being made. It may help a wee bit?


    Juboo752 @Juboo752

    Thanks Nicole, they are very helpful links and I love the uniform pic, looks great! I’m going to make a start on them soon just need to order some red gingham 🙂

    I think it might be a case of practise with the collars so I’m just going to jump in and make more!

    Thanks again

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