Oliver + S

japanese tana lawn at spotlight on

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    Tamara @justsewit

    I might be doing the same – if there is energy enough. Itll wait till monday if not.

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    Do you guys know if this is Tana (Liberty’s lawn) or the Japanese cotton lawn Spotlight had before? Nicole sent me some of that and I have been hoarding it. It’s gorgeous, with a crisper hand than Tana, I think it will hold pleats better and I have it in mind for a Music Class blouse. Just wanting to check since a friend recently posted a photo of a Liberty fabric printed in Japan, but I’m not sure whether that was lawn or poplin, or if all Liberty fabrics are now being printed in Japan? I have some unprinted Japanese lawn, much more sheer than Tana, with a really gorgeous crisp feel that I found at Mood and which I now wish I’d bought much more of. It would be perfect for extremely tight gathers or lots of tiny pintucks. I wonder if that weight/hand is characteristic of lawns in Japan.

    Nicole @motherof5

    Sarvi, I am on my way (and actually have internet, yippee)

    I will have a look for you and get you some if they have any.

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    Yay, you’re the best! I know I shouldn’t hoard but what you sent me, the whole ‘kit’ with the gorgeous buttons and trim, was just too wonderful to cut without a very carefully thought out plan.

    Ock Du Spock @Ock Du Spock

    Yah for Nicole sorting you out 🙂 they are lovely lawns- although my spottie hasn’t been stocking them anymore… perhaps they’ll bring out some new ones again when spring hits!
    Good luck with the clearance table girls! Hope it has some gems for you with 25% off the marked down price 🙂

    Nicole @motherof5

    ETA, 5 minutes
    Hi tiddily hee, guilt free shopping for me!

    Nicole @motherof5

    Woohoo sarvi?

    • This reply was modified 9 years ago by Nicole.
    Nicole @motherof5
    Sarvi @Sarvi

    Whoo hoo! White with blue flowers on the right side, for me please!

    Ock Du Spock @Ock Du Spock

    So I saw the lisette jersey on the clearance rack at spotlight over the weekend… I bought what was left on the bolt of the pink (clouds?), which rang up at $7 metre. Thought you girls might be interested, your spotlights might have them as well 🙂

    Tamara @justsewit

    I was actually hoping they’d send some other prints to my spotters but as I keep getting told they get given pot luck! Its like looking for a particular pattern the last time I was there – a simplicity pattern but it “wasn’t available” because even with the pattern they get what they are given! Its slightly disappointing.

    Has anyone purchased fabric online from them? I don’t suppose they have the same kind of sales online though?!

    • This reply was modified 9 years ago by Tamara. Reason: I need typing lessons!
    Ock Du Spock @Ock Du Spock

    Do they sell fabric online? I had no idea they sold anything online…

    Justine J @justmejay

    They do sell Manchester/homewards online, V, but not fabric. I think you can mail order catalogue fabric though – but only from the current catalogue…

    Tamara @justsewit

    I have been informed that evetually you would be able to purchase fabric online aswell. But that was years ago so here I am thinking they would have made headway on it. I mean it would be just the same as mail order, just online.

    Wagyu Burger @Wagyu Burger

    I do wish they would sell fabric online! The last time I made my way to a Spotlight, there was so much stock that I couldn’t see/find anything! I had seen some lawn in the catalogue, and when I asked the shop assistants where they were, I was told they were scattered throughout the section.

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