Oliver + S

Jacket questions–sizing, underlining

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    Enbee @Enbee

    My little guy doesn’t currently have a winter coat, and I’ve been admiring this one since my first visits to O&S. So I’m doing it! Just bought the pattern. This will be my first proper coat (I made the Secret Agent trench coat last year, but it’s not lined, and it was for a costume, so I didn’t finish seams nicely or unpick a few puckers on the neck line).

    We live in southern Arizona, so I’m going with corduroy, lined with quilting cotton, since I don’t have to worry about truly cold temps (we typically only have a day or two with daytime temps below freezing). However, I thought I’d underline with some nice diaper flannel I have in my stash. From what I’ve read, underlining the *lining*, rather than the jacket, is the way to go here. Opinions seem split on whether to underline the sleeves – does anyone have any thoughts on that, given the fabrics I’m planning? What about the hood?

    My guy is an average-sized kid, with the exception of his giant head (seriously – 97th percentile). I’d like the jacket to last him at least through the spring (which in Southern AZ means March), and I wouldn’t complain if I could stretch it to next year. I’m thinking I’ll make the 2T, but would that be ridiculously large on him this year? Would the 18-24m size likely be too small for an average 2.5 year old? And how generously sized is the hood – for reference, his head circumference at his one-year checkup was the size of an average 2-year-old’s.

    Tamara @justsewit

    I made my son the size 8 when he was 8 and I found that it was roomy for him and on the big side but I think this is designed with layering in mind. It did him for two seasons (just). It all depends on if he has a huge growth spurt (and often they grow in different areas at different times). It can be difficult to tell.

    I would make the 2T and if it is roomy on him this year, it won’t be that way next year. You can roll up the sleeves etc it won’t be too bad.

    Nicole @motherof5

    My children are on the small side so take my two cents with a grain of salt!

    My solid 14 month old is wearing the size 6-12 months with one fold of the sleeves.

    Here is the 12-18 month on my older daughter, similar age https://www.flickr.com/photos/motherof5/4815131108/in/album-72157625184981969/

    and still wearing it here https://www.flickr.com/photos/motherof5/7513836782/in/album-72157625184981969/

    Food for thought 🙂

    The hood is very generous, we use a beanie underneath https://www.flickr.com/photos/motherof5/19082403884/in/album-72157655309330818/

    Thank you for a lovely trip down memory lane.


    juliamom2009 @juliamom2009

    I did a corduroy jacket last year for my daughter – I lined the body with a rather lightweight (Polartec 100) fleece, and lined the sleeves with quilting cotton and underlined with Thinsulate. We’re in California, so she won’t get too much wear out of it here but she did wear it in Boston when it was less than freezing. I made her a size 5 and she definitely could still wear it this year as it is really generously sized (I’d imagine for wearing sweaters underneath). Last year (on my kid) the really only big part was the sleeves, which we just rolled up. This year I’d imagine that we won’t need to roll them up.

    Enbee @Enbee

    Thanks for the replies, everyone! Nicole and Juliamom, I most definitely looked at both of your jackets in the Flickr pool – lovely!

    I realized I never mentioned my son’s current age – he’s 15 months. Sounds like the 18-24 month size might be a better fit for him – I don’t need to worry about layering over bulky sweaters, so if it’s generously-sized, I bet we’ll get two years out of it still.

    Enbee @Enbee

    All right – I’ve started. I finished the hood last night, and I already love the way it looks.

    I’m using magnetic snaps, but I have a question I’m hoping someone can answer – when do I apply them? They’re the type with two prongs that get inserted through the fabric, rather than the sew-on variety. That being the case, I should apply them to the placket at step 2 of the front-jacket panel assembly, rather than at the end of construction, right? (and likewise for the facing?) So, essentially I’m following the placement for snaps, but the instructions/timing for velcro? I always have a hard time visualizing construction the first time through a pattern, but I love this jacket already and I don’t want to mess it up!

    Lightning McStitch @LightningMcStitch

    You’ve got it. There’s a photo that shows snaps going into a coat here: http://bartacksandsingletrack.blogspot.com.au/2013/07/a-pattern-to-make-product-to-be-proud-of.html?m=0
    Hope that helps.

    Enbee @Enbee

    Lightning – thanks!

    sosew @sosew

    i have similarly large headed kids (15th percentile height/weight, over 98th for head size) and never had a problem with the hood fitting (and i need to tailor their polo shirts because they dont fit over their heads).

    Enbee @Enbee

    This is a truly terrible photo, but I wanted to post anyway: I love this jacket! I cannot believe *I* made it! This pattern is awesome.

    I made the 18-24 month size, and I think that was the right choice. It’s a little big, but not ridiculous, so good for this year and I think next year, too.

    My only difficulty in construction came from trying to follow Deb’s instructions for hemming the jacket and lining. I think now that I’ve done it once I’d get it right next time.

    I’m pleased with the weight of the corduroy/underlined cotton. I somehow managed to reverse the nap on the pockets, but I’ll pretend it was intentional to add visual interest 😉 I used paracord for the toggles and wouldn’t recommend it – it raveled horribly and slipped when I sewed it. But all minor quibbles – seriously happy with it!

    Enbee @Enbee

    BAAAAH! I’ll try again on the photo this evening.

    Incidentally, the hood is just fine on his big head.

    Enbee @Enbee

    Trying this again – still not a great photo, but my model is less than cooperative.

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    So cute! What a fantastic choice of fabric combination!

    Nicole @motherof5

    I am so pleased it worked out @enbee

    Peggy @PeggyW

    There’s a BIG discrepancy between the finished coat measurements provided and the measurements given for choosing the pattern size. For example, on a size 5 (for my grand daughter) the finished chest measurement is 9″ larger than the chest size chart measurement. Does it run that big?

    • This reply was modified 8 years ago by Peggy.
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