Oliver + S

Is there a way to top stitch the neckband?

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    Kim @kmac0107

    I made the tops in City Weekend interlock for my granddaughter. My daughter washes and dries everything. The neckband is curling, can I add a top stitch to hold it down? I used my serger to sew the neck bias strip on and finish the edge at the same time. Is that too much thread? Nicole mentioned she doesn’t dry knits and I can understand that.

    Nicole @motherof5

    Great minds and all that….

    I was ironing my twins Hopscotch tops tonight (I know ironing in 40 degree weather, I am nuts) and I was wondering the same thing.

    I thought I may topstitch the neck band with a 3 stitch length stretching it oh-so-gently so it still has some ”give”.

    Or even just the back neck seam to hold that seam down.

    isewstuff @isewstuff

    I used a twin needle to topstitch mine. One needle on the neckband and one on the yoke. I’m not sure if this a proper way to do it, but it’s held up well and keeps the seam from curling to the outside.

    beachmom @beachmom

    I definitely recommend topstitching the neck band. I think it adds that more RTW touch. I automatically did it (sewing all those knit shirts from Ottobre has paid off!) after sewing on/pressing the neck band using a slighter longer straight stitch. As long as there isn’t too much strain on it, it’ll hold fine. And I did double check the fit of the opening to make sure it doesn’t pull too much to get it on over my girls’ heads. If it had, I would have used a stretch stitch or a twin needle.

    Liesl Gibson

    Yes, if you have a stretch stitch on your machine that would also work. I’ve been meaning to try it, so I’m glad you’ve done it and can recommend it.

    scgoble @scgoble

    For those who have topstitched the neckband, do you do this with the seam allowance pressed up or down? Just wondering as I am starting my first Hopscotch dress this evening. -Camille

    beachmom @beachmom

    Camille, I pressed the seam allowance down and then topstitched the seam using my presser foot as my guide.


    scgoble @scgoble

    Thanks Cindy. I made the dress last night and now that I have, see that that was kind of a silly question! 🙂 I envisioned the neckband being a lot wider.

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