Oliver + S

Is the stuff I sew crappy?

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    thejennigirl @thejennigirl

    I dearly love Gymboree. But I have noticed a decline in modesty and quality, even there, in the past couple years. We recently had to return a dress we ordered online, because the size 8 dress didn’t even come to her fingertips, and she’s short! (like in the 3% for her age in height!)

    Calvin Klein makes a full coverage panty and white cotton camisoles that save us from the monkey covered cheeky boyshorts and teensy bikini panties.

    dkbnyc @dkbnyc

    I love it when people ask me if I made my daughters clothing. Honestly, I’m a little bummed out if they don’t give me the chance to say ‘oh, yeah, I made that’ I love making things that no other child will have and i think my girls, 6 and 9, feel good when I make something just for them. My 6yo will often announce it when she is wearing something’s have sewn.

    PreemieMomma @PreemieMomma

    I’m always self-conscious when someone compliments something I’ve sewn because I worry they think it looks too crafty and are just being polite. On the other hand, I love what I sew so much more than anything I see in the stores and always think my daughter looks terrific compared to some of the kids in their character tees and jeans. I’m a slow sewer b/c I really pay close attention to detail and don’t hesitate to rip out a seam to make it perfect. Because I’m a perfectionist with my own sewing, I’m sometimes disappointed when I get something handsewn from someone else whose paid no attention to detail, especially when I’ve purchased it and when it arrives I discover the sewist hasn’t paid attention to detail or has cut corners (ex using glue to adhere rick rack instead of sewing it on…or drastically crooked seams with no consistency in stitch size). I try to make as many of dd’s clothes as I can. I find it relaxing to sit and sew and I even find it relaxing to sit and tear out a seam knowing I’m getting rid of whatever mistakes I’ve made and redoing it to make it as close to perfect as I can get. The biggest problem with being an intermediate skill level but being a perfectionist about the details is that it takes me too long to sew anything so I have a zillion ideas of things I want to make but not enough time to make it all! 🙂

    theknittinganxiety @theknittinganxiety

    I only started sewing two years ago and I throwed a lot of fabric to the garbage, until I found O+S (and I still do throw to be honest)! I tried some patterns from etsy and I hated it.

    A piece of clothes made by me must be as beautifull inside as outside and I don’t believe that the regular stores make clothes better than us. If I cannot finish the seams the most perfect way I can I’m not satisfied. I have a lot to learn yet, I know that, but I can say that now I am pretty happy with the results that I am having.

    Last december I bought a pattern from a blogger and I sewed a dress and it looked good, but the seams were horribles, I throwed to the garbage, my husband could not understand it…

    (I need to post my last works, need to take pictures…)

    To be sincere people don’t often realise that my child uses clothes made by hand. I think that where I live people think that clothes made by hand are crappy or have o lot of patch work on it, well, what I want to say is that people think that store clothes are better so they don’t realise that mine are made by hand.

    Sometimes people comment about her clothes and then I say It was me who sewed and they just say “really?!” (I’m so happy when they do that “Ah?”).

    What I feel when I see my daughter wearing the clothes I make is priceless, it is such a pleasure and I truly belive that is a way for me to say “I love you” because the love that I put in that work I cannot buy in any store. I want to belive that she feels special knowing that her mommy did that for her. I just love when she tries a new dress and runs to the mirror to check herself and is happy and feels pretty on it, again, is priceless.

    Need to say that she don’t like everything I sew…

    I don’t really care what other mothers say about me sewing and knitting for my kid, what I really want is my daugther to know that she can make things instead of buying things. And using better materials that we often see in the regular stores, I try to use the most natural materials I can! For me is a way of living.

    I am very different from other people that I know because I really don’t care about brands, I do buy clothes for me and my daughter but I am at a point that I only buy to her what I cannot do, what I don’t have the skills to do it, or don’t have the time to do enough.

    I am a full time working mother, I am almost 10 hours away from home and when I say to people that I sew or that I made that dress that she is wearing people just ask me where do I have the time to do it, or even they comment that they would never have the time to do it (as if it was impossible), but in my house is just me and my husband, we dont have family near so is just me and him taking care of my kid and we both have full time jobs and I have the time do do it (not all the time that I would like to have), and I could not be prouder.

    I could carry on talking about this subject…

    I need to use that tip about trible zig zag stitch to finish seams… Thanks, I learn so much from you all…

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