Oliver + S

I need to have an Oliver + S checklist for patterns I have..

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    Rebecca W @craftalittle

    I am finding this checklist very useful to organize my wish list shopping! I just need to imagine the addition of the 3 new patterns. 🙂 Any chance the list will be updated next week?

    Loralee @Loralee

    I love this checklist! Very handy. With new patterns and newly ‘out of print,’ I’d be thrilled if there was an update. Pretty please?

    Tamara @justsewit

    This is terrific Thankyou!

    Nicole @motherof5

    I have often wondered about printing it to mark off how many times I have made each pattern-just for fun!

    Rebecca W @craftalittle

    Nicole- I think you might need to print off more than one to fit all of the check marks on the page. 🙂

    Jess M. @mommy2maria

    You know what I would LOVE to see—-an app for the iphone! *swoon* I know that’s asking a LOT but it would be AWESOME!

    Nicole @motherof5

    Thanks Rebecca,not quite yet!

    I am showing my ignorance,but may someone over 18 please explain to me what an ‘app’ is?

    JohannaO @JohannaO

    App= Application. Or in other words, a program that runs on a smart phone, like the iPhone or the Android phones.

    Nicole @motherof5

    okay….what’s a program?….don’t judge me! I did drama at school so I didn’t have to do computing!

    JohannaO @JohannaO

    program=software. Like an internet browser is a “program”, because there is programming (e.g. directions) that tells the computer what to do, so you can communicate with other computers. Or a game on the computer would be a “program”. A computer game on a smart phone (cell phone with internet capabilities) would be a “game app.” Clear as mud?

    Nicole @motherof5

    Thanks Johanna,so what would an o+s app do? I can read the forum on my bog standard farm issue mobile buts that not a program is it?

    Tamara @justsewit

    Nicole, I don’t blame you for passing up on computing – drama much better. We didn’t even have computers when I left school only clap trap electric typewriters and the admin computers had those horrible “floppy disks” – and that was only 20 odd years ago! How time flies! I didn’t know what an app was either until I read Johanna’s explanation so you are not alone.

    I either missed printing a page or it isn’t there, but did the very latest patterns get included on this one? I don’t see the latest three.

    Loralee @Loralee

    Justsewit, the list was made before the new patterns. Maybe we can butter up Claireabel and/or Todd to update? Who has mad baking skills? (Does that expression translate well for you Aussies? Mad = crazy good. 😉 )

    Jess M. @mommy2maria

    lol Sorry Nicole! Didn’t mean to confuse you! But Johanna explained it perfectly! Even with being able to get on the website on my phone, some ‘Apps’ are a bit more streamlined and load quicker. A little checklist type so I know what patterns I have and what yardages I need while out and about! I hate having to take a picture of the packaging before I go shopping lol.

    Nicole @motherof5

    Thats a great idea! Thank you for explaining it to me!

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