Oliver + S

Hello old friends!

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    Toyota888 @Toyota888

    It has been forever since I’ve been on the forums or been allowed to sew but it’s so nice to pop back in and see all your amazing projects and be inspired (read TORTURED) for a time when I am allowed to sew again.

    Nicole – only a wonder woman like you would resolve so many sewing dilemmas with a hammer – I love it!!!

    All the best ladies and I look forward to joining you in earnest in a few months time when I am allowed to unpack my machine.


    Nicole @motherof5

    How fabulous to hear from you!

    I hope you are too busy working/raising children to sew and not been unwell.

    Your little girl must be near kindy now.

    I can’t wait until you are back in the saddle,so to speak!

    You canna handa girl a grander hammer!(mine is mock Liberty print)!

    xxx Nicole

    sayiamyou @maraya

    Oh Hello! I’ve wondered about you very often. Glad to see you around and I’m looking forward to your sewing!


    KarenK @KarenK

    Oh hooray! Nice to see you again!

    Toyota888 @Toyota888

    It’s so nice to be missed! In fact I have been very occasionally lurking around but not even managing that very often.

    No I am very well thanks Nicole – but the return to work reduced sewing time significantly. I was managing to fit in a bit until I added some extra study into the mix. I have a really big exam on May 16 after which I plan to sew night and day!!!

    My little girl has indeed just started 3 year old kindy! You would not believe how she has grown – I can’t wait to post a photo of her in a newly sewn frock in a couple months time.

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