Oliver + S

Go To Bed!

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    beachmom @beachmom

    It’s rough not having a good nights sleep…for both mom and kid! I hope the suggestions help, Jane. The Gro clock was going to be my piece of advice. It’s helped a lot of my friends with older kids (not baby/toddler) stay in bed.

    Masha Richart

    Another vote for a clock. The ones my girls have is called the Tot Clock and it is entirely too expensive but desperate, sleep-deprived parents will pay anything, right? My oldest girl did not start sleeping through the night routinely until she was nearly 4 and like you, we tried a lot of things. I did the “Mama is too tired” routine when she asked to do things; I am not sure whether that is what actually worked since it took awhile. But the clock, if it doesn’t work immediately, is at least a visual aid to show her when it’s ok to come out and wake you. Good luck, sleep deprivation is brutal.

    Jane @jesims

    I ordered a clock (will be here Monday or Tuesday, I can hardly wait) and I found a book called “The Girl Who Got Out of Bed.” I’ve been trying the “Santa probably won’t stop at our house if he thinks you get out of bed,” but she’s not buying it. I will keep you all updated with any progress or where I am in hiding until she is older. 😉


    Sarvi @Sarvi

    Good luck! I bet having a story book to go along with getting the clock will be very useful. Sending you zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzs

    Tamara @justsewit

    Best of luck Jane! Your little one is old enough to recognise numbers and learn to tell the basics of time. It will be a perfect strategy for you I am sure.

    Just remember none of us are experts and we all row hard as parents. I have my fingers crossed this one will be the last strategy you will ever need to use in order to teach her to stay in bed and let mum sleep (aswell as herself).

    Sleep well won’t you.


    scgoble @scgoble

    I just wanted to jump in here and say that I’ve probably never slept through the night without being medicated. I’m just not a good sleeper. I didn’t sleep when I was a kid either; I was always worried about one thing or another. Fortunately for my parents I was also a very stoic child so I never got up and bothered them. 😉

    Anywho, have you tried teaching her some relaxation exercises? It may be that she is legitimately waking a lot and needs some help in getting herself back to sleep. I’m thinking breathing exercises, yoga poses you can do lying down, etc.

    Good luck!

    Nicole @motherof5

    Wow, @scgoble, that must be tough. I must admit I am not good at getting to bed. I rarely go to bed before 11pm and I am often up at 6am but I do grab a 10 minute Nana nap whenever I can.

    I envy those that go to bed and fall asleep quickly, it takes me at least an hour.

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    Funny, I think of myself as a great sleeper, even though I wake several times a night, every night (and think this is why I remember so many dreams). I think what I’m doing that makes me think I’m a good sleeper is that I stay very relaxed and drowsy. Alcohol knocks me out but it’s awful, unrefreshing sleep. Interesting what kind of sleep feels like it ‘counts’ and what doesn’t!

    Jane @jesims

    I think the reason this has been really hard on me is that I, myself, am not a very good sleeper either (guess the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree). I wake up at the slightest sound and then remain awake for an hour or more before falling back asleep. There are nights where between P getting up, and my own waking, I may only get 3 hours of sleep. It doesn’t make for a very nice mommy some mornings. Thank goodness for coffee, lots and lots of coffee!


    Tamara @justsewit

    Oh yes coffee can be a lifesaver! At the moment the pets are training me not to sleep – four times last night!
    I generally sleep well and get to sleep fairly fast but living with a husband who likes noise all the time, it can be draining when you wake in the middle of the night to an infomercial or the big bang theory on repeat! I dont feel rested when the telly is on all night! Thank goodness for the sofabed that could be used for nights with a fractious baby and when the noise is just too much.

    My kids were consequently the same as hubby – needing noise. It doesn’t help them so I have limited it to the first twenty minutes and then they on their own – and they seem to sleep well.

    Relaxation tapes are good – there are lots of audible stories that assist kids to relax and also teach them things about feeling good about themselves and getting rid of worries etc.

    I tried them with my son but he baulked at the very idea – his assumption that it was therapy and that mum is out of her mind.

    All i know is three hours of sleep is very difficult to function on. My minimum is 6!

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