Oliver + S

Fleece version done–mixed results

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    miss_sonja @miss_sonja

    I finished up a fleece version today. It’s … ok. I messed up the collar. I was going to do it in quilting cotton on the inside not fleece, but I totally forgot when cutting out the fabric and the two layers of fleece are a bit awkward. The collar was hard to sew on properly. And picking out stitches in fleece is a bear! Not worth it, especially since this was a draft anyway, in some fleece I had hanging around.

    I also made a one piece back, and skipped one of the lining pieces, as the fleece is so bulky. I pieced the sleeves, which makes for a nice look. The pockets are great, my little guy loves them.

    He did put it on right as it was done, and hasn’t taken it off yet. I sewed the 3T and it’s too big, but I expected that as my son is just over 2.

    Can’t add a picture now, but I’ll try to add one to the Flickr pool.

    Nicole @motherof5

    I making a fleece version soon. I know when I sewed if in wool, grading and clipping seams helped the finish
    I think I will swop the front facing placket for cotton webbing too

    miss_sonja @miss_sonja

    The problem with the collar was that the fleece won’t hold a crease and basting stitches don’t help much. So, I couldn’t do as the instructions stated and pre-clip and crease the collar. Thus, trying to turn under the collar raw edge and get it to cover the seam where the undercollar joins the back neck was really tough. I think had I done that piece in quilting cotton (as I intended) it would have worked better.

    Other than that really, doing it in fleece worked fine. The side seams had some bulk where the pocket facings were, but not too much. Had I used both front AND back lining pieces though, I think it would have been too stiff and bulky. I did have to add a seam to attach the lining and finish the pocket, but that was fine and it looks like it was intended.

    I did not use interfacing and didn’t need it.

    Nicole @motherof5

    That doesn’t really inspire me to sew with fleece, I am not a fan at the best of times.

    I wonder if you could not turn the hem edge of the collar and then cover it with cotton webbing, like the rugby tops?

    • This reply was modified 9 years ago by Nicole.
    miss_sonja @miss_sonja

    Oh that’s a good idea! I could cover the messy seam with ribbon or webbing.

    Don’t give up on fleece. It’s actually pretty awesome. But since this pattern wasn’t designed for fleece, it didn’t work quite as well.

    I’ll definitely try the new Parachute pants in fleece.

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