Oliver + S

Finishing hopscotch seams

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    JenniferP @JenniferP

    I don’t own a serger, but my machine does have a jersey stitch which I have used in making several hopscotch dresses. If I’m not creating a lettuce-edge on the hem, I am always unsure how to finish the hem. The jersey stitch is not attractive on the outside of the garment, and I have used a longer straight stitch, but am not sure if this is the best route to go for durability. Does anyone have any recommendations or experience they can share?

    Nicole @motherof5

    Twin needles are very popular with many girls.

    Before I had a cover stitch machine I used to neaten the hem,turn and press and then do two rows of straight stitch in a larger stitch length(3 to 3.5) stretching the fabric just a wee bit as I sewed.

    (And some of those hems are still going whereas I have had to repair the cover stitched ones)!


    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    Jennifor, you can use a double needle for finishing the hems, this will give professional looking hems for only about $5 investment in the needle, just make sure it’s a ball point or stretch needle.

    You can finish the folded up hem with a reular zig zag, or any stretch stich on you machine, the honeycomb one could look nice.

    Another option is to use a straight stitch by to just (like 1/4) turn the zigzag knob so it basically looks like a straight stitch but has a very slight zigzag for stretch.

    Good luck with what you choose.

    P.S. Upcycling a premade garment means you can use the existing hems for the bottom and sleeves maknig it much easier.;)

    Justine J @justmejay

    Hi Jennifer

    I overlock/serge my hem first, then turn it up and use a ballpoint twin needle and a walking foot to sew the hem with – I find this gives a really neat finish:


    Maggie @Maggie

    I am also a convert to the twin needle. They are easy even for a novice sewist. My local quilt shop had one in stock and there are tutorials online if you need a little walk through threading the machine.

    JenniferP @JenniferP

    Thanks so much for your thoughtful replies, I am always educated by the O&S community!

    paula @paula

    I have an overlock foot and used a vari overlock stitch on my machine to finish the raw edge, then I folded over 1/2 inch to the wrong side and hemmed with my regular jersey stitch. I think it worked pretty well!

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