Oliver + S

Fall Fabric Weights

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    cybele727 @cybele727

    So we saw the lovely dresses in linen and chambray, in fall like shades or neutrals. But here where I live, the colder climes call for something heavier, and yet you don’t want to ruin the drape of the dress.

    Could this be done in a wool, like a tweed or twill? Wool suiting?

    Definitely a wool crepe…

    But what do you think?

    vothgirl @vothgirl

    I love the idea of a wool version, perhaps a creamy butter yellow or earthy green. But since I’ve got two littles and am currently nursing the younger one, I need to stick to machine-washable fabrics.

    I was sorely tempted by the Robert Kaufman mammoth and Shetland flannels (particularly the peach color) that popped up on Hawthorne Threads’ website earlier this week…I’ve never handled one but I’m guessing they’re a little heftier than a quilting cotton?

    cybele727 @cybele727

    Ooh a flannel dress, hmmm. That is an idea. I am just emerging from the machine washable only phase, with my youngest almost 5! I am looking to make this for work. Something not too formal, but can be dressed up. I am also looking for something to go with a gift I just got. I got a 140cm square Hermes silk twill scarf from my exchange student. It is orange with brilliant lapis like blues. I want to make a dress that compliments it so I can wear the scarf, even if it is almost as tall as I am. 🙂

    Nicole @motherof5

    There are some gorgeous wool mix fabric, many machine washable, even a little bit of wool will add warmth and often a woollen garment will handle airing and wearing again, not need a compete launder.

    Nicole @motherof5

    PS, Scarf sounds divine!

    Liesl Gibson

    You could use a very wide variety of fabrics for this dress, and wool and flannel could be great options. I’ll be putting together a Mood fabric boards for this collection again, too.

    cybele727 @cybele727

    Yay! I can’t wait to see. Had this dress been out, it is what I would have brought to the fitting classes!

    enajybbil @enajybbil

    Calling everyone more stylish than myself!! I have some plaid linen that I want to use for the main part if the Cinema Dress. I don’t know if I should use a navy or mushroom for the bodice panels. Here’s a link to a photo that shows bits of all three fabrics.


    enajybbil @enajybbil

    Also, would plaid be too Maria before she became a Von Trapp? “The poor didn’t want those” 😀 😀

    Nicole @motherof5

    Not curtainish at all!

    I would go with a wheaty natural linen for the bodice.

    NanaMar @NanaMar

    I second Nicole’s choice.

    vothgirl @vothgirl

    I’ll also vote for the bottom fabric for the yoke ;-). I love the plaid!

    cybele727 @cybele727

    Yes. The wheat colored linen.

    Nicole @motherof5


    About the plaid on bias?

    enajybbil @enajybbil

    Plaid on the bias for the bodice panel? Or plaid on the bias all the way through? I’m pretty jazzed about either but am a little frozen with indecision cause I looove this fabric so much! I originally thought to use it for a weekend getaway blouse or tunic length top but Cinema is more conducive to belly….lovely dilemma to have really!

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