Oliver + S

Elastic width barely fit into waistband?

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    Anonymous @

    Has anybody else had trouble fitting the 3/4″ elastic through the waistband on the Bedtime Story PJ’s? I almost couldn’t get it through there. I may go with 1/2″ next time. Just wondering if I’m the only one and I did something goofy.

    Nicole @motherof5

    To be honest, I don’t read their width, I just use what looks right!

    A little trick I use is to ’round’ the threading edge off by trimming the corners off, makes it easier to thread through .

    Whoop, baby asleep, back to the machines! Good luck Sahm.

    Siah @Siah

    I had the same problem — thought I did something goofy as well.

    Liesl Gibson

    It probably depends on how closely you edgestitch, but you could always make the waistband a little wider or fold it less than 1/2″ if it seems too tight.

    Anonymous @

    OK – I just had to pick up some more elastic tonight so I got some 1/2″ for the next few pairs. Thanks!

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