Oliver + S

Double-sided wool melton

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    Toyota888 @Toyota888

    I have just received 6 yards of red wool melton in a lovely big box from fabric.com (2 days to get to Australia – how’s that!). My question is – can I use whichever side of the fabric I like (is that what “double sided” means?). I notice heavy coats usually have the felt side out, but I really like the look of the weave which shows up on one side. Next question – is it really mean to make all 3 kids red coats?

    norasroom @norasroom

    Hi, Toyota888,

    There is a long discussion about the Fabric.com wool melton over at Pattern Review:


    You may need to register with the site to read the whole thing, but it’s very informative. There’s some disagreement about whether these fabrics are double-faced or double-cloth, but the bottom line is that you can use whichever side you like best. After all, you paid for both!

    I have two yards of the red wool melton sitting on my sewing table (and black, and eggplant, and light purple, and robin’s egg blue . . .) and I can see why you like the look of the woven side!

    If you do decide to dress all three kids in red wool coats, I hope you share the pictures!

    Toyota888 @Toyota888

    Oh thank you norasroom – that link was really useful. Luckily I have all summer over here to sew 3 coats – I’ll need it!

    Toyota888 @Toyota888

    Coat 1 is in the Flikr group now – only 2 to go!!

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