Oliver + S

couple questions

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    Anonymous @

    I have a couple of questions about the bedtime story pjs.

    1. Neck band – After I stitch the end of the neckband closed, when I turn it right side out I have a little point of fabric which is part of the seam allowance sticking out of the bottom of the neck band. The only way I can figure to hide this point is to leave the seam allowance at 1/2″ instead of trimming it and folding the point up under the neck band before edge stitching. The instructions don’t mention what to do with this point. Anybody else have troubles with this?

    2. Seam Allowances at shoulder/dot – I don’t understand why there is a pointy part of the seam allowance just above the dot. It doesn’t show in the illustrations so I just trimmed it off. Also, when I attach the neck band to the kimono, am I supposed to flip the points at the dot up into the seam or leave them down? I left them down the first time, but then they stick out inside the top so I trimmed them. On the second one I flipped them up into the seam allowance of the neck band and it seemed better.

    Thanks all!

    Nicole @motherof5

    I made 4 pair at once , so I may be a little fuzzy, hopefully someone else will chime in.

    I know a few times I ‘poked ‘ bits into the neckband, pressed flat and then top stitched.

    At the shoulder seams I folded the seam allowance under to make a neat ‘arrow’ pointing to the neck, and then topstitched. From the outside it made a very neat looking ‘V’. I wanted them to be sturdy, and I like my sewing neat. If it helps I can put a snap of this on my flickr page. I hope this is some help, Sahm!

    nb, this is only MY interpretation , not the true instructions

    Anonymous @

    Thanks mo5 – these things are very hard to describe aren’t they? LOL. I’m not sure I understand exactly what you did at the shoulders. I think we probably did the same thing. A pic would be great!

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    I’m about to start the top, and would love to see photos as well.

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