Oliver + S

Class Picnic Shorts, waistband step 8?

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    Anonymous @

    I’m confused with this step (finish the waistband by stitching in the seam line). Does anyone have a photo of this step? I am so close to finishing and don’t want mess it up now 🙂

    Also, any ideas for fabric to use for the blouse? These are for a 5 month old. I was thinking something off white, without a pattern but some texture?


    Nicole @motherof5

    I did a wee tutorial if that is any help?


    A white blouse is always lovely on a baby and then you can soak it if necessary.


    bren5kids @bren5kids

    Such darling, tiny little shorts! I agree, a white blouse would be lovely, maybe a fine handkerchief linen and then add some red and gold embroidery.

    mcurban @mcurban

    Thank you, Nichole. I was able to get them done! I also love all of the tips you included to keep the seams tidy. I’ve bookmarked your blog to keep handy the next time I make these shorts.

    Bren, great idea w/ the handkerchief linen. I’m in TX, so need something light. I’m off to search!

    Nicole @motherof5

    Will you put them in the group pool? http://www.flickr.com/groups/oliverands/pool/with/8666781959/

    I do love those shorts.

    mcurban @mcurban

    I sure will…once they go through the wash to remove the chalk marks 🙂

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