Oliver + S

Carousel Dress – Sleeve Dart

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    Frances Suzanne @Frances Suzanne

    I’m running into difficulty sewing the sleeve dart on page 7, step 4. If I sew the “V-notch” with a 1/2 inch seam allowance, I do not reach the dot. If I sew a line beginning with a 1/2″ seam allowance at the neck down to the dot, it doesn’t appear to match the first diagram (and looks wonky). I think I’m just missing something very obvious. Any help would be appreciated!

    Liesl Gibson

    Maybe a photo will help? (I hope so.)


    Nicole @motherof5

    Which way are you pressing the dart?

    Frances Suzanne @Frances Suzanne

    And now we have two darted sleeves {pressed towards the back}! Thank you both!

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