Australians, how are you?
14 years ago LINK
Not that you’d be on these forums if you were being affected by the floods, but I thought I would check in anyway. I’d love to contribute to some sort of relief effort if anyone can make a suggestion or referral to a favorite event or organization. My thoughts are with you!
14 years ago LINKjosiejo @josiejo
I think they are pretty swamped on the Queensland side, but everywhere else is OK. The Red Cross and Salvation Army are taking the usual donations, and I think that the Lord Mayor of Brisbane has an appeal as well.
14 years ago LINKJustine J @justmejay
Queensland and northern NSW have been severely affected – the pictures have to be seen to be believed (no actually – the pictures are totally unbelievable!) Even places not directly flooded have been completely cut off as roads have been closed (in some cases, the roads no longer exist). Josiejo is right re Red Cross & Salvation Army – you can donate online.
14 years ago LINKJohannaO @JohannaO
It looks like Toni Coward of Make it Perfect is organizing a crafting auction to benefit flood victims.
She’s encouraging people with a blog/shop to auction off things, and the winning bidder makes a donation to the Queensland Flood Relief Appeal.
I hope everyone stays safe. My sympathies to any flood victim.
14 years ago LINKclaireabel @claireabel
I was just coming in to mention the auction but Johanna beat me to it! If you can make anything to be auctioned off for the flood victims that would be wonderful. We are further south and not affected, but hearing about the children swept to their deaths is absolutely heartbreaking. I don’t know how these families can carry on.
I have read about a little girl whose family lost everything in the floods. The little girl is 10 and devastated by the loss of all her girly dresses (which are hard to buy in sz 10). There are a few of us sending things up to her. I was thinking of making her a music box jumper in her choice of fabric.
14 years ago LINKThanks for this information, everyone. I’ve just tweeted to our followers and will be doing my part to help, also. It’s just heartbreaking.
14 years ago LINKcherry @cherry
Just wanted to say how great it is that people so far away are thinking of those in Queensland affected by floods. It seems that most people here in Melbourne know someone whose house has been affected, the damage is enormous. The footage on the news just blows my mind, it is beyond belief that this is happening so close to home. Thanks Liesl for your help!
14 years ago LINKetc3 @etc3
Thanks for your concern we live in Brisbane the capital of Queensland and the scene of much devastation. My house is on the top of a mountain and has not been inundated but we are cut off from civilization in all directions and have been since Tuesday it is now Thursday night (at least I think it is Thursday the days are beginning to blend). There are about 10,000 of us cut off which is quite frightening. We are very fortunate that our power has not been cut while most people in the area have had their electricity cut off for safety reasons. We have had friends and neighbours having showers and hot meals through out the day at our home and my husband has been out helping with hooking up generators this afternoon. We have no idea when the river will recede or when electricity will be restored.
The relief centre has no food as the helicopter with a food drop was unable to land. I got out just before the road was cut and stocked up so we have a pantry full of food and we are right for the next week but many people are not so lucky. The only shopping centre in the area is underwater. We are a close knit community and amazingly there was a bbq at the hall tonight where people were actually donating to the flood appeal as well as catching up and sharing stories.
Brisbane had a flood of similar proportions in 1974 (where my mum and dad lost their home and business) after which a dam was built up river that was suppose to flood proof us but it has been raining solid for weeks and it could not hold anymore water.
It is going to take Brisbane many months if not years to recover from this not to mention the rural areas just west who have suffered much loss of life, we at least in Bne have had time to prepare.
Thank you once again
14 years ago LINKsayiamyou @maraya
Thanks for this info about ways to help. I was listening to stories on NPR yesterday and nearly cried myself home. I’m so sorry you all (especially children) are having to experience this. My sympathies and prayers are with all of you!
14 years ago LINKsadies closet @sadies closet
How horrible to hear about all this suffering. My parents lost everything in a flood when I was three, and we lost my Great Aunt and Uncle to a flood years later. Having experienced the devastation and the years of clean up, my heart goes out to all of you. Know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.
14 years ago LINKrunciblespoon @runciblespoon
Thank you, Peta, for sharing your experiences when you have so much else to think about. I hope the water is starting to recede by now. We have all been shocked by the news and images of the flooding, especially from Toowoomba, and are thinking of you.
Thank you to all above who have made suggestions for how to offer practical help (even for those of us a long way away).
14 years ago LINKAnonymous @
Peta, I’m so glad that you are safe and well and that you have food to last a while. Thinking of you.
14 years ago LINKetc3 @etc3
Today has been the most amazing day so tragic and yet so uplifting. The waters receded this morning and we were able to get to those homes that had been inundated in our area. I stayed at home and took care of our children as well as some neighbours kids while my husband and neighbours went to clean up the local shopping centre and private residences. The stories they came back with were incredible.
There is literally an army of volunteers helping to pull out affected walls and floors, clear out furniture etc and try and get rid of the rubbish and debris. My husband cleaned out a cafe where the smell of rotting food was almost unbearable. He ripped out walls, carried out ruined fixtures and stock and washed and washed and washed the mud out. He and his mate then moved on to an elderly man’s home who had also been through the 74 flood. The poor gentleman was in total shock and moved to tears by the many strangers in his home helping him to clean it out. Throughout the day ladies came round with cold drinks ice blocks and sandwiches. People drove up and down the street calling out to people asking if anyone needed more help. The footpath is strewn with huge piles of rubbish waiting to be picked up by the constant stream of council trucks. The sound of helicopters, chain saws, generators and high pressure water hoses fill the air as does the dreadful stench of river mud. I went out this afternoon to pick up my niece from my sister’s house where floodwater came to the back fence so that she could go and help her neighbours who were not so lucky. I could not believe the devastation. Everywhere there is thick mud and everywhere there is a hive of activity of people getting on with the clean up job. I came home feeling quite overwhelmed but also very proud of my community.
We are all back home now about to have dinner and an early night so we can do it all again tomorrow.
14 years ago LINKSewMentalMama @SewMentalMama
Peta, Nicole (motherof5) sent me a message to ask how you are as she has no Internet access. I let her know you have been posting here.
Thinking of you and your family and community at this difficult time.
Angela, Ireland.
14 years ago LINKWow. Todd and I watched a video of cars being swept away in the waters. It’s truly shocking and devastating. We’re thinking of you.
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