Oliver + S

another person in need of the larger size puppet show pattern

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    bethnyc @bethnyc

    i’ve been searching and searching for one! if you have one or know of somewhere i can get on, please let me know! i’m based in brooklyn, ny but will gladly pay shipping too!

    many thanks, beth

    taheinen @taheinen

    I too am looking for this pattern in the larger size. Didn’t I read something about people interested in discontinued patterns somewhere on O + S? Any information re: this pattern, ie coming across it in a local fabric/quilt store would be quite helpful. Beth, make sure you let us know what size you are looking for. I will keep searching desperately online….

    Mama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles

    I too have been looking like mad for this pattern! I would love to have it for my daughter.


    Adrienne @Adrienne


    3541 Ambassador Caffery Parkway

    Lafayette, LA 70503-5130

    Phone: (337) 981-2808, Fax:(337) 981-7085

    10am to 6pm Monday – Friday, 10am to 4pm Saturday, 1pm to 5pm Sunday

    The information above is for a store called Allbrands. I recently went (yesterday) and purchased the exact pattern that you are looking for. They have a few more of those as well as some of the other out of print patterns. Call them and I am sure they will be happy to allow you to purchaae over the phone and ship it to you. The store does have a website, but none of the out of print patterns are listed. But this store still has them in their inventory. The website is http://www.allbrands.com if you want go check it out!

    Hope this helps!!

    meleliza @meleliza

    Thanks for the tip. I just spoke with them on the phone, but they only have the small sizes.

    Adrienne @Adrienne

    Awww! So sorry! I hope that you can find it!

    taheinen @taheinen

    Thank you Adrienne for trying to help us!

    Adrienne @Adrienne

    They also had a few copies of the Playdate dress and Bedtime story pj’s and the Swingset tunic and skirt if anyone was looking for those. ; )

    Mama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles

    All called all brands and they still ahve the puppet show in the smaller size, wich does fit my little girl but they won’t ship it. This stinks!!

    Mama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles

    Adrienne, is there a way you buy the Puppet Show Pattern in the smaller size for me and I pay you back for the pattern and the shipping??


    Adrienne @Adrienne

    Mama_Knowles- I sent you an email through your blog address. : )

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