Oliver + S

Adding a collar

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    Sarvi @Sarvi

    Has anybody added a collar to this to give a bit more of a sketchbooky look to it? I want to make a tiny shirt for a friend’s baby boy and I think she’d like a sort of mock dress shirt look. I’m thinking I could just look at the sketchbook collar and eyeball a tiny version but I’m not sure how I’d attach it. Thoughts, clever folks?

    sayiamyou @maraya

    I’m looking forward to hearing what others say. I think it will be adorable. Didn’t Sharon do something similar, maybe with the sketchbook shirt itself (making a “onesie” from it)?

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    Ooh, I’ll have to go have a peek, now you mention it that does ring a bell, or whatever the visual equivalent is …

    Mama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles

    I did make a sketchbook oneise, Caspian wears them a ton! The only problem with the Sketchbook pattern is it size doesn’t start until 6-12m. I so wanted to make one for my nephew’s baby boy buy it would be way too big on him. I really need to buy the Lullaby pattern…..

    Mama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles

    Oh, You can Sarvi!! I just thought of how, you just need to figure out the pattern collar size. If you sew on the collar to the right side of the shirt then use a bias sewn over the seam allowance on the top side of the collar. (sandwich the collar between the skirt and bias to the inside of the shirt to cover the seam) and the to finish sewing it, trim your seam allowance and then hand stitch down the bias. I have a baby bubble of Caspian’s that’s done this way. I can post pictures of the inside if you would like so you can see better at what I am talking about. (I hope you can understand me)

    vothgirl @vothgirl

    @mama_knowles, I think I know what you’re describing, it’s the first idea that came to my mind. It would also work to put a little Peter Pan collar on for a more feminine look, I may have to play around with it since I’m pretty comfy with the pattern, having made 3 sets from it so far.

    And you so should get the pattern, it’s my favorite O+S so far, addicting to sew!

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    Oh yes, I can totally picture that — so instead the bias trim going ‘over the edge’ as it does now, the raw edge would be turned in — that is doable. I will try it out!

    vothgirl @vothgirl

    I’m guessing once you sew the shirt/collar/bias sandwich, some under-stitching of the seam allowances to the bias would make it lay more flat once the collar is folded over to the right side. And depending on the fabric, tacking the collar to the shirt in a couple key places may also help it sit. It definitely was something I found helpful with the fairy tale dresses I made for Easter. All techniques I’ve learned from O+S patterns ;-). They’re definitely making me a better sewist!

    Dawn R @dpaddy

    I drafted a collar and put in on the shirt. I like the way it looks but it isn’t perfect so I will try again. Unfortunately I accidentally threw the pattern I drew away. I was hoping to find one here.

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    What about using the sketchbook pattern for the top and merge it with the bottom of the lullaby bodysuit?
    Of course this would only work if you want the sizes larger than 6m.
    Another option would be to to add the collar and placket from the Jumprope dress. This would again only work for the sizes larger than 6m.
    Now it sounds so cute, I might have to put it on my to sew list 🙂

    Dawn R @dpaddy

    I am sewing newborn. I also do not have any of those patterns. This one is my first and I just LOVE it. I am sewing for a relative. She is having her first baby and I don’t even know the sex yet. I just make one girl outfit, one boy outfit, girl, boy,etc. Her due date is Aug. 1 so this pattern is just perfect!

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    Do you have any small shirts with collars you could copy/trace? Or you could type ‘shirt collar pattern’ into https://images.google.com/ and get a feel for the shape of the piece, then just draw it yourself. After one or two practice ones you’d probably get a shape and size you liked. Your local library might also have a book with what you need. Welcome to the world of sewing O+S, you’ll never look back 🙂

    Dawn R @dpaddy

    That is what I did but I must have measured wrong. It wasn’t the right size and stuck up a bit on the side.

    I totally love the patterns! The dresses are to die for and I really love the classic look and versatility of the patterns.

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