Oliver + S

A giggle at Todd's expense

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    freyiris @freyiris

    Not sure if anyone caught the fun over at Heather Ross’s blog (I’m late catching up).


    I love that S even had a go guessing.

    And here’s the wrap up:


    This will bring a smile everytime I see Todd post.

    Rebecca W @craftalittle

    I liked that in the clarification he USUALLY has his pants on when HR is over at their house. šŸ™‚

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    I saw that, and I must be so square, because I actually got kind of embarrassed at ‘seeing’ Todd in his shorts. And I didn’t even know it was supposed to be him! Yeesh. The internet is a strange place.

    daisygirl78 @daisygirl78

    psst, Sarvi, Todd’s reading your post right now… šŸ™‚

    Todd Gibson

    You’re right. I am reading Sarvi’s post right now. But I’m wearing pants, so it’s OK.

    It’s quite an honor to be immortalized by Heather in this way–even if she did give me awfully stubbly legs….

    daisygirl78 @daisygirl78

    Todd, you are a very good sport to put up with us all!

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