Hello friends!
How is it already February? Never mind, I don’t want to know. In any case, I hope you’re doing well. We’ve had lots of adventures since the start of the year, haven’t we? Here in Madrid we even had a snowstorm–the biggest in fifty years–that paralyzed the city for a week. (Don’t worry; today it feels like spring again!)
Pinterest Picks
I’ve been thinking about coats and jackets a lot, so this week’s Pinterest picks include some ideas if you’ve been considering sewing one for yourself.
Color-blocking is great not just for adding visual interest to a style, but also if you don’t have enough of one fabric or want to use up some leftover fabric. Here are two ways you could consider doing some color-blocking of your own, maybe using our Chaval Coat pattern.

But you might also think about blocking the front versus the back, which would be really fun to do with our Yanaka Jacket since it already has a sleeve seam.

But you might also consider blocking the front facings of the jacket to be a different color, which gives them a nice contrast if you fold the Yanaka Jacket back a bit. I also love these bound seams which, done properly (i.e., remove the facings and bind the edges) could also make your jacket reversible!

Weekend Reading
- Will we be able to travel this year? I certainly hope so. If you live near one of these upcoming fashion exhibits in 2021 you may not need to go anywhere! And I’ll be very jealous of you, indeed.
- Meanwhile, if you’re not living near any museums and missing a regular dose of fashion, try the Museum at FIT’s virtual collection! I especially like the Curator’s Favorites. (See the side bar on the left.)
- If you’re upgrading any technology this year, be sure to recycle the old technology properly with this helpful guide, including batteries and old cords.
- A fashion magazine that celebrates upcycling, with no new fashion featured in the entire magazine. This could be full of inspiration for your next projects!
- What do you think of these Spring/Summer 2021 colors?
We’ll be back next week with additional fitting help for those of you who have been eagerly following our fit series, as well as some fun sewing inspiration. Have a wonderful creative weekend!
Thanks for another weekend links Liesl. I love these and have learnt much over the years from following your links. Wishing you well for the new year.