weekend links

Hello friends!

Everything seems to be moving so quickly now that it’s December and we’re nearing the end of the year, doesn’t it? Todd and S spent the better part of yesterday and today baking and decorating Christmas cookies to give to friends while I tried to get some work done. I still need to finish writing and illustrating one spring pattern, which is really late compared to our usual schedule, and then I can think about gifts and decorating. But somewhere in the middle of it all I’m hoping to escape for an hour or two on Sunday afternoon to see the Modus. A la manera de España show that’s just gone up here in Madrid. It includes a mixture of traditional and contemporary pieces, so I think it will be interesting. I’m already in love based on this photo.

Liesl's weekend links for December 7, 2018

How are you holding up against the holiday madness?

Pinterest Picks

We made this pear custard for a class that meets in our apartment on Saturday mornings, and it was so well-received that we quickly baked another and brought it to our friends at the market! It’s really quick and easy to make and is truly delicious. Also, I’m considering making a rolled pork tenderloin for Christmas. Anyone have a favorite recipe I should try? This looks so good.

Liesl's Pinterest Picks for December 7, 2018
pinterest link and pinterest link

It seems like everywhere I’ve turned this week, I’ve seen Hollywood Trousers, or at least photos that remind me of our Hollywood Trousers. I especially love these monochrome, dressy looks.

Liesl's Pinterest Picks for December 7, 2018
pinterest link and pinterest link

But speaking of the Hollywood Trousers, the photo below, left, reminds me of Erica’s tuxedo stripe version. And Kate’s are looking particularly elegant, aren’t they?

Liesl's Pinterest Picks for December 7, 2018
pinterest link and pinterest link

And hurray for corduroy! The denim trousers, below left, remind me of Camilia’s denim trousers.

Liesl's Pinterest Picks for December 7, 2018
pinterest link and pinterest link

Weekend Reading

What are you doing this weekend? Any sewing plans? I hope you get a chance to play with your sewing machine in between the holiday prep activities, at least. Meanwhile, we’ll be back next week with a trip to Barcelona and some holiday sewing ideas for the kids. Happy weekend!




  1. susan terrill

    Hi, As always I love your weekend links and Pins. I am still working on perfecting my Hollywood Trousers. I am taking a break to make Christmas gifts. having a few problems with the fly instructiions and fitting challenges. But I made some sleepover PJ bottoms for my grandson and they are fantastic!

    I love the new Pantone color. Coral is my ver favorite. I tried to sell my house a few years ago. the living room was coral so the real esate agents made me change it. it did not sell. now I want to paint it back but cannot afford to do so yet. I am inspired now, however.

    I am not sure about the Folk ware approach. I did not read the article well. I think the fashion industry could ruin something that is precious just to make money. I do not want to see that happen. Commercialization of people’s heritage is not a wise move.

    Thank you for the articles about sustainability and the flannel shirts. I always lived in my big brother’s flannel shirts. I don’t know where they have gone recently. I think I may have donated some of my good ones to charity recently and I wish I had them back.

    where is the recipe for the pear flan?

    Happy holidays.

  2. Holly Dumont

    Love the flannel. Already sold out? Not in my size, so as soon as I perfect my classic shirt, I’ll make one out of vintage flannel sheets. I despise coral, except under the sea. Hurray for folkloric! I’m making my son a kimono jacket with embroidery. I have never stopped wearing peasant blouses. I especially love to embellish them. Hurray for great fabrics as well. I love linen, cotton, and merino. I’d wear nothing else. This week I’m finishing up some Xmas presents…a jacket for my husband, a Tamarack made from vintage linen that I shibori dyed and sashiko stitched. Now I’m on to the assembly! He’s going to love it. I interlined it with wool flannel, and am lining it with sand washed rayon. My snaps just arrived. Now to practice my pockets. Great links. Receipts? Try sardine fish cakes from serious eats. Last night we had pasta puttanesca and it was great.

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