weekend links

Hello friends,

I’ve been rather quiet on social media lately, and it’s probably time to tell you why. After almost 27 years together, Todd and I are divorcing. We’re both heartbroken by this change in our lives because we’ve worked hard on our relationship, but it’s time for us to part. A couple of weeks ago S and I moved to a new apartment here in Madrid where we plan to stay until S finishes high school in five years. Todd will find a place near us so we can continue to work and parent together despite not living together.

I’ve needed some time to accept this change and get settled into our new apartment, not to mention start to re-build my life. It’s been difficult, but I know that in the end everything will be OK. We are all doing well, working through the sadness and moving toward acceptance. Some days are harder than others, of course. But I’m starting to feel like I’m ready to get back to work and “normal” life. A huge thank-you to Rachel and to the Advisors Circle members, who have stepped up to fill the void here on the blog during my absence.

With regard to our business, you probably won’t see any changes here and we plan to carry on largely as things were. Todd and I are both very proud of what we’ve built and believe we can continue to work together in the future. After all, we worked together before we started dating, so it’s not unfamiliar territory for us.

Thanks for your support and your understanding as we transition our personal lives. We think of you as part of our extended family and friends, so I wanted to be sure that you know about this change.

Pinterest Picks

I love pencil skirts and wear them year-round, but spring and summer are especially great for this style because, bare legs! The skirt below, left, is particularly pretty, I think, especially with the fuzzy boxy sweater. I really want to try sewing our Extra-Sharp Pencil Skirt in the Alabama Chanin style with reverse applique on jersey, and the skirt below, left, reminds me of that style.

Liesl's pinterest picks for May 11
pinterest link and pinterest link

Such good colors!

Liesl's pinterest picks for May 1
pinterest link and pinterest link

Something to try out this weekend, perhaps?

Liesl's pinterest picks for May 1
pinterest link and pinterest link

I’ve been collecting fabrics for a couple of new Gallery Tunics or Dresses. Such an easy summer style!

Liesl's pinterest picks for May 1
pinterest link and pinterest link

And here is some inspiration for an Oliver + S Playtime Dress and an Ice Cream Dress, both of which are great summer styles.

Liesl's pinterest picks for May 1
pinterest link and pinterest link

Weekend Reading

Have a great weekend, and I hope you’re planning to sew something fun! I’m working on a couple of things for S, which I’ll share soon.




  1. G

    Going through something similar. Sending hugs.

    1. Oh, hang in there! Hugs to you as well.

  2. Margo

    Sending you all support during this time. I’m working on a classic shirt which I hope to finish this weekend. Thank you for your wonderful patterns. Next up is the Soho skirt.

  3. Cheri

    That is sad news. However if that is what needs to happen, so be it. It is a painful and disruptive event in one’s life, even if it mutually agreed upon, and for the best. I hope everyone involved emerges shining. Love and light to your family.

  4. Michelle

    I wish you guys the best. Thank you for all of the work that you do.

  5. Jamie

    I’m heartbroken to read this. I wish you all the best during this time in your lives and pray that you all come through it for the better. Thank you both so much for all that you do!

  6. Very sorry to hear about this change in your life – but if you’ll forgive an unsolicited opinion, it sounds as though you’re handling it like adults and with kindness, so congratulations on that!! I hope it feels that way to you as well.

  7. Amy

    I’m sorry you are all going through this difficult time. I appreciate your transparency with such a personal matter. Praying for peace for you and Todd. I know you’ll figure it out. Hugs

  8. Lynn

    Sorry news. Hugs to you both. Difficult times but you will all come through xx

  9. Erin

    Lots of hugs for you and S – this is rough, but I’m glad there are plans in place.

  10. Michele

    I’m sorry for your news, and wish all the best to you and your family. The link about the history teacher not being allowed into the Met reminded me of our daughter’s time working at a local museum and what people think is appropriate behavior. Museums tend to be proprietary of the information that is given to the public; her costume was sure to draw the public and the museum had no control over what information she’d offer. (Let’s face it, teachers can’t resist teaching.) It’s a shame she missed the tour, but I think the guard had a point. I love the links you share, btw; one of the highlights of my Fridays!

  11. Angela O'Rourke

    Thank you for being so open about your personal life. Such courage! All the best for the new chapter in your life ❤️

  12. Kathy

    Good luck, Liesl. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

  13. Debbie Williams

    Liesl, I am very sad to hear this. Yesterday was my one year anniversary of my divorce after 46 years. We should have done it at 30 years but didn’t . I applaud your courage in doing it now. You will both have a chance at a more fulfilling life. And how great that you can be in Spain! At 70, I am starting over but realize how little TIME I have! I just returned from Morocco for a month and want to learn French so I can go back! My life is going to be FULL! I will make it so!
    And you and S can continue your adventures. And I hope that you will continue to be inspired and make great patterns for all of us!
    Divorce is a very difficult concept for the egos of all involved. Give yourself all the time and help you will need to grieve …., it truly is a death.
    Hugs and love, Debbie Williams

    1. Debbie, if you ever get to Madrid I hope you’ll let me know. I’d very much like to meet you and have you over for a coffee!

      1. Debbie Williams

        I will……I May be in Provence during November trying to work on my French! I have been a fan of your work since taking all of your Creative Bug classes!

  14. So sorry to hear that. I hope for peace of mind for you all in your new normal.

    Thank you for your pattern extravaganza! I have a carousel dress traced off (I don’t cut my patterns, just trace them) to be made with a bright pink daisy print, and a hide-and-seek dress planned in red eyelet.

  15. Frances

    So I placed my yoga-mat sack on the security table and mumbled some silly joke about my oozy–and they threw me out. Met guards can be snarky. Be extra-nice to yourself at all times. But of course everything will be OK. Better than OK.

  16. Brenda

    I am so heartbroken to read this. I will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers as you manage these next few months.

  17. A brave post, thank you all 3 of you for being willing to share it. My husband and i now live c.400m apart and our children spend time in each of our homes. We continue to explore what family means as looks like, and how we construct and define it and how we support our incredible kids through this change. Hard work sometimes for us to maintain our positive relationship, but possible and worth it. Good luck to you all.

  18. Marguerite

    My thoughts are with you all right now! I know how difficult a transition this is. I wish you all strength and peace.

  19. A brave post to write and a hard decision to come to. Best wishes to both of you going forward xx

  20. Virginia Driver

    God bless you all. Ultimately you will come out fine. We are in the midst of a similar situation and it has been sad for our whole family….like mourning a death. But as in that situation, time does heal. It sounds like you and Todd have respect for each other and mutual concern for S and that is the combination needed for a smooth transition. I feel as though I know you, from sharing your life on Instagram and enjoying your patterns and inspiration, and my heart goes out to you all.

  21. Katherine

    I am so very saddened to hear your announcement, and deeply appreciate your vulnerability. I will pray for you, Todd and S, that your broken hearts will be healed, and that you will have clear discernment for the path ahead.

  22. Addie

    Thank you for sharing Liesl. I hope you and Todd and S. are able to adjust to your new normal with time, lots of patience and understanding. It’s incredibly commendable that you and Todd are going to continue working together. I hope Oliver and S grows and thrives as well. You have been such an inspiration to my creativity for a decade now that I can’t imagine the sewing world without you. I just finished two Weekend Getaway blouses and I love them!
    I will share photos this week on Instagram (@lotuspeachblog). A couple of Chai Tees are next. Then the Classic shirt and Lisette trousers are also on my list for this year.

  23. Amanda

    I am sorry to hear this. You will be okay though. more than okay. Wonderful things are coming and will replace what has passed. You are strong, beautiful, and amazing!

  24. Amy

    Greatly appreciate your sharing; simple and brave. Thank you. Best wishes for you and your family during this time of change. We all go through these things, bumbling along as best we can, hoping to make the best of it. You are, and you will.

  25. I am so sad to hear this. I will be thinking of you Liesl. Take care of yourselves and of S.

  26. Jennifer

    I am so sorry to hear about your split. Even if it is for the best I know it has to be very painful. I’ll be thinking of your family and hoping for peace for you during this time.

  27. Lucinda Poel

    Oh Liesel! Such courage it took to write this, and my heart is sad for all three of you. Having only met you once in person, but having been a huge fan for years and reader of your blog since the beginning, I have always been struck by your warmth and approachability – and trust that you will navigate this next chapter with equal grace. Thank you for trusting your readers enough to share with us- your transparency in matters business and personal is much appreciated by your readers. Hugs to you as this new journey begins – may you experience God’s healing throughout.

  28. Paula

    The pencil skirt in the Alabama Chanin style would be brilliant! If you give it a go, I do hope you’ll do a post on how to adjust and fit the pattern for that technique.
    I continue to perceive your family as exceptional and sincerely lovely people. I don’t see any reason why your new life directions will change who you truly are. Best to each of you.

  29. Annette Fly

    Liesl I am so very sorry this is happening, and I wish you and your family the best. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

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