building block dress book tour: fancy tiger crafts

Today we have Fancy Tiger Crafts joining us for the Building Block Dress book tour. They are located in Denver and are a stop during Liesl’s road trip book tour schedule.

For the book tour, they went above and beyond! Prepare yourself for cuteness overload! We can’t believe how adorable all four of the dresses are.

Oliver + S Building Block Dress book tour

Read more about all four of the dresses over here.

Oliver + S Buiding Block Dress book tour

How cute is this mushroom pocket?!

Oliver + S Building Block Dress book tour

Fancy Tiger Crafts:
Blog, Instagram, Facebook

Fancy Tiger Crafts is a shop in Denver, Colorado that specializes in craft supplies and classes for the modern crafter. We have built a community full of amazing, talented men and women. When we decided to participate in the Building Block Dress Book Tour, not one, but four different women joined in to stitch up dresses for the Fancy Tiger Crafts blog. Every single dress they made turned out amazing and completely unique.

Oliver + S Building Block Dress book tour

All of the women who participated have come to Fancy Tiger Crafts through different channels. One is a staff member, one is an instructor, one is a regular customer, and one is the sister of an owner. Though they have different connections to the store, they were all excited to jump in and begin building a whole wardrobe with the Building Blocks book for their young daughters.

These four samples are a perfect example of the versatility of this book. We love that you can build each piece of the dress to fit the season and style that suites you and your little one. Everybody who has had a chance to work from this book has been thrilled with the results and we know that you will be too.




  1. mm

    So cute! I want to read more about the dresses and fabrics they chose! When I clicked on the link saying “click here” it says:

    “Site under maintenance

    Fancy Tiger Crafts is moving to a new web site! Check back soon for our new look.”

    I hope to read more about it, soon!

    1. Give it another try now. It seems to be working fine now. I know they have been redoing their website over the last few days. Perhaps you just caught the site at a bad moment.

  2. SShaw

    That mushroom pocket is ADORABLE!

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