building block dress book tour

Hello friends!

Thank you for your wonderful response to my new book! I’m glad you’re as excited about it as I am, and I’m ready to dive into it with you to help you get acquainted with the techniques and methods that it covers. Are you excited to become a designer and to make your creative dreams a reality? I’m excited to help you get there!

With that in mind, I’ve invited a select group of sewing friends to participate in a great big book tour to get things started and to start you thinking about all the different ways you can use this book. The book tour will start digitally, and then, in late October and the first half of November, the book tour will hit the road and I’ll be traveling across the United States to meet many of you and to work with you in person to help you make your own designs a reality.

Starting tomorrow, and continuing every Monday, Wednesday and Friday for the next three weeks, stop by the blog to see who each special guest is for the book tour. We’re not going to announce them in advance because we want it to be a surprise, so three times a week you’ll get a special sneak peek into what one of our friends has done with the Oliver + S Building Block Dress book.


Liesl's workshops
photos by CraftSouth

After the digital book tour wraps up, I’ll be packing my bags and heading across the ocean to Houston in time for Quilt Market, and then on to the physical book tour. I hope you’ll come out and join me!

Here’s the road trip book tour schedule. Follow the links for workshop details and sign-up information:

  • October 29-31: International Quilt Market, Houston TX. Find me hanging out with the folks at Robert Kaufman, who provided most of the fabrics for the dresses in the book. We’ll be in located in booth #636, where I’ll be doing a trunk show and a book signing on Saturday, October 29 at 2:00. (Note that Quilt Market is a trade show and not open to the general public.)
  • November 1: book signing and meet-and-greet at Fancy Tiger, Denver, CO
  • November 2: workshop at Fancy Tiger, Denver, CO
  • November 5: workshop and book signing/meet-and-greet at Dry Goods Design, Seattle, WA
  • November 10: workshop and book signing at Fiberge (in conjunction with Sewn Studio), Cincinnati, OH
  • November 11: book signing and meet-and-greet at CraftSouth, Nashville, TN
  • November 12: workshop at CraftSouth, Nashville, TN
  • November 14: workshop and book signing at Rock Paper Scissors, Montclair, NJ

If you’re anywhere near any of these cities (or you’re willing to travel to them–road trip!) hurry and sign up for these workshops! Space is limited. So is my travel time. (S is already freaking out that I’ll be away from home for Three. Whole. Weeks.)

See you soon! And don’t forget that the online book tour starts right here tomorrow. I think you’re going to like our first guest. You already know her, I’m pretty sure.




  1. Darcy

    My best friend is getting married in Charleston on the craft south weekend 🙁 Maybe I’ll send my sister-in-law in to get my book signed during the meet and greet 🙂 I am excited about the digital book tour! Can’t wait for tomorrow

    1. Oh, too bad! Leave it with the folks at CraftSouth before you can and I’ll make sure to sign it, no problem! Have a fun time!

  2. Sharon k

    Oh so exciting!!! I cannot wait for the blog tour and maybe I can make it to see you in person. You will be eight hours away from on my birthday.

  3. Super excited. I feel pretty lucky to be only an hour away from one of the NJ workshop and was able to sign up!

  4. Jeanne

    Any thoughts of a UK visit ? I have pre ordered my book via Amazon

  5. Hayley

    Not sure which one is correct, but you have listed the Seattle class on November 4 and drygoods website has it listed on the 5th…
    Sounds like a lot of fun!

    1. Hayley, you are right! We had that date down incorrectly. I’ve updated it. Thanks for catching that!

  6. Ah, darn, I was hoping for a SF Bay Area stop, but alas! If you do come through SF at any point in future, I’d definitely come out. 🙂

  7. Michelle

    It’s a shame that your stop in Houston is only for the trade. There are lots of us here that aren’t shop owners who I’m sure would love to meet you and have a chance to join a workshop (like me) 🙁

    1. Michelle, if you have a favorite store there that you could convince to host a class or book signing, Liesl would be happy to speak with them about the opportunity while she is there.

      1. Michelle

        I will start making some calls!

  8. Bethany V

    The workshop in Seattle is already sold out 🙁 Is the book signing/meet-and-greet a separate event? I would love to attend!

  9. Bethany V

    Cancel that! Looks like there was a glitch with the DryGoods Website and there ARE a few more spaces! Hooray!

  10. Amy/ Forest_Bather at IG

    I went from elated to deflated when I saw that the Seattle class was sold out so quickly. I may make it for the meet and greet but it’s a bit of a drive. I’m really happy for you in this book venture. Many thanks to S for loaning mama out for 3 weeks!

    1. You may want to check again, Amy. We added a few spaces yesterday, so there may still be room? I can’t say for sure…

  11. Susan


    this is Susan Terrill in St Louis, MO. I have been a seamstress for such a long time. I started with embroidery at the age of about 7. then sewing and hand smocking when my children were little which I also taught when I lived in Memphis and /french lace sewing. Then I stopped sewing to be a full time engineer in Huntsville. Now back to sewing. I attended a class at Craft South with Anna Maria and Alabama Chanin a few years ago. There is a lot going on in St Louis but I think it is in different spots. I would love to have it organized as it is in Nashville. I am trying to start Frigga’s Fiber Arts Studio so that immigrant and refugee women in St Louis can make unique children’s dresses and earn a living wage. I love Leisl’s new book. I have fabric and sewing machines and patterns but no location yet. I am sure I will get there soon with all of this excitement about sewing that is now being generated. Maybe next year a trip to St Louis will be possible. Thank you so much for all you have done to make this are of “ART” possible. Just so exciting and wonderful Susan

  12. RR

    A bit confused about the Seattle Event at Dry Goods Design…i saw the class was sold out (I hadn’t realized there was a class or I would have tried to register earlier), but is there also a book signing for anyone? Would love to get to meet Liesl and get a signed copy.

    1. Unfortunately, at the moment, I’m not sure what other events they may have planned around Liesl’s visit. I would suggest calling the store and checking with them. At the least if you let them know you would like an autographed copy of the book, I’m sure they could work that out for you!

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