Oliver + S





Skill level


About me

Unmarried homebody just turned 60. OMG, I just realized I’m a spinster! Gasp! I’ve always liked being home, and I’ve always liked to fashion things. My grandmother taught me to knit and crochet, and I learned to sew from my mother and a Home Ec. class. I still sew (long distance) with my best friend from high school. I live in Florida, which would be dull if I did not love kayaking, which I do. I grew up in Vermont, the most beautiful place on earth. I’d be there now except it’s about 50 degrees colder than here.


Crystal River, Florida. Isn't that a pretty name?

Favorite Oliver + S pattern

OMG again. How to pick? Each one I've tried — 12 so far — has both wowed me and taught me something new. My favorite? At the moment it is probably the Seashore Sundress. But there are 11 close seconds!


Unless otherwise credited, all work on this blog is © Liesl + Co., Inc, 2008-2025. You are welcome to link to this blog, but please ask permission before using any text or images.